1. Up She Goes

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"Boarding Flight 229 to Los Angeles." The intercom repeated, "Flight 229 to Los Angeles."

"Wow, okay." I said to my mom. I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants and stood up from the navy-colored airport chair. I've been sitting down for what seemed like 2 hours, but from the time on my watch I know I've been waiting for a little over 30 minutes. I picked up my luggage and turned around to face my mom.

"Shawn, it's only for the Summer you know. I know you don't want to see you're father after," she pauses," what he did. But just hang in there okay?"

"Yeah, okay." I replied looking at the ground. I can't even look at my own mom, because I'm gonna miss her so much. God, I really need to man up. This is the day I've been dreading for weeks and now that it's here I have to keep myself from exploding. The only reason why I'm doing this is because the stupid court required it and I miss my sister, but if it was up to me I'd never see my dick of a father ever again.


It's a place that people can only dream of going. It's a place where dreams come true and nothing ever goes wrong, because hey! It's California. A place where there are beaches everywhere and gorgeous girls. There's so many legendary landmarks and celebrity hotspots, it almost seems impossible for it all to be in one place.

But it might as well be the entrance to the Underworld (a/n: percy jackson reference) because all I can think about when I hear California is hell. It was always the place where my dad went to get away from his damn problems and now I'm being forced to see his "safe haven" for myself. If my dad never got Aaliyah, I wouldn't need to go, but unfortunately he did and now I'm going to see him for the first time in months.

My thoughts were interrupted by a monotone voice saying, "Last call for Flight 229 to Los Angeles."


"I guess I have to go now." I finally looked up from the floor and found that my mom's eyes were watery as she pulled me in for a hug. I could even feel my eyes watering as I dropped my bags and gave my mom one last hug. I pulled back after a few seconds knowing if I didn't stop I was going to be a freaking pussy and bawl my eyes out.

My mom was quick to regain composure as she straightened up and wiped her eyes. "Be good and say hi to your sister to me." I started to walk towards the door when my mom called my name. I turned around to see her waving frantically, "I LOVE YOU!"

I called back yelling equally as loud, "I LOVE YOU TOO!" People passing by gave us weird looks. In most situations I wouldn't give my mom so much as a second glance but this time I just brushed it off, I wasn't ever going to see these people again anyways.

I finally headed toward the doorway. A lady took my ticket, and ripped off the end piece and gave it back to me as if I were entering a movie theater.

She smiled, "Enjoy your flight."

Oh, I hope I will.

*~* (A/N: Everyone meet Phil.)

As I walked down the narrow hallway going up to airplane entrance, I felt a sudden rush of breeze pass me. A surprisingly tanned guy (A/N: He's in Canada) with a brown quiff ran past me while carrying two bags, a backpack, and two suitcases somehow all at the same time. I feel bad for the person who had to share the luggage space with him.

When I reached the end of the hallway, I was quickly rushed in by two flight attendants who pointed me to my seat.

"94K is past those two hallways and it should be to your left. Just look at the labels above the seats and if you have trouble finding it, just ask one of the flight attendants." She gave me a tight smile and walked away. I got past all the first class people who were already comfy in their little compartments. Then, I got past all the second class people who's eyes were already glued to their personal TV. Finally I found my area... third class. I went down the aisles looking to the left.

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