3. Luxurious Loft

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A/N: I don't usually like putting author notes in the beginning of the chapter, because when I read fanfics with author notes in the beginning I get annoyed. Like I just want to start reading with nothing stopping me. But I just wanted to say, yes I changed the cover because I was getting tired of the old one. This is probably going to happen a lot, considering that the cover right now is pretty much just a picture of dice and fancy lettering. Hopefully, one day if this story gets big enough someone will draw a cover for me, because I love it when stories have hand-drawn covers. It just makes is more real, you know? But I'm not going to get my hopes up so instead I'll just continue making my own crappy covers. ;( haha jk i love making covers, and also the picture in the multimedia is Karla's apartment aka my dream home. Okay sorry for this you can continue reading now.

C H A P T E R  T H R E E

"No way." I say at the same time Cameron gasps. "There is no way that this is your apartment."

"Yeah, you're right. I just happen to have the keys and I just happen to of have all my stuff here and I just happened to have pictures of me with my family on the walls. Yeah, no way that this is my apartment." Karla replied sarcastically with her hand on her hip.


Karla pushes the two of us into her apartment, and turns around to lock her door. Then, she sits on the couch and gestures to the seats around her, "Why don't you take a seat and I'll explain everything."

I place my luggage down on the floor and move towards the couch opposite of Karla. Cameron hesitantly drops his bags next to mine and sits on a chair to the left of me. I guess I should explain how her apartment looks like. Her apartment is in the corner of the building meaning she's gets to have windows on two walls. But the windows are in the shape of circles and look very much like a clock. And on the outside they probably are, which is freaking cool. Plus, you get to see the whole entire city and since it's already night, it's beautiful. Her kitchen is modern and all white with sleek countertops and every type of pan you can imagine. Her living room is also modern with two leather couches and two arms chairs. That isn't even the best part, because when I turn to my right there is a glass elevator leading to the second floor. 1. It's a freaking elevator.2. There's a second floor. Surrounding the elevator are beautiful wood stairs with glass mantels. I can't even begin to describe how amazing this place is, and the more I realize its beauty, the more curious I am about Karla.

I makes absolutely no sense. She works as a cashier and has a beautiful flat fit for a king. It just doesn't add up.

Then I remember. "You're a writer right?" Karla looks confused for a second, but slowly nods her head, seeing that I just randomly asked.


"Cameron, please tell me you're joking." The Harry Potter books are the only books that don't put me to sleep, so they are practically sacred to me.

Cameron just turns to me with a straight face and says, "I'm dead serious." We have a stare-down, until Karla snaps her fingers in front of our faces. Woah, when did she get out of her seat?

"Are you guys going to shut up now so I can say what I need to?" Before we can answer, she takes a seat next to Cameron and begins to talk. "Yes, I'm a writer, but I haven't published anything yet. I only have drafts. The reason why my apartment might be... nicer than others, is because my parents paid for it. I didn't want them to, but they said that if I was going to become a writer, instead of a taking over the law firm like they wanted me to, so the least I could do was let my home necessities. So this place pretty much belongs to my parents."

"What about you're roommate?" I ask.

"Oh, Mahogany? She's been my friend since the 9th grade after failing P.E together." She pauses to smile, but then quickly turns it into a frown. "After she came out, her parents disowned her and ever since she's been living with me. I'm lucky my parents aren't homophobic even if they're Christian, but Mahogany's parents are a different story."

"Wow, that sucks." Cameron says.

"Her parents are jerks." I add.

Karla nods, "It's just that they're so used to the old ways. I don't blame them for being the way they are, but I just wish they didn't hurt Mahogany so much."

Cameron and I nodded our heads in agreement.

"So what I'm hearing is that you're parents are loaded, so they bought this apartment for you. Then why are you working at Panera Bread?" Cameron asks.

"Just because they paid for my apartment doesn't mean they pay for my clothes or the shoes on my feet. If I want to be a good author, I need to have experience and that's not going to happen if I have my parents money to support me. J.K Rowling for example, when she wrote the first Harry Potter book she was going through divorce, bankruptcy, and a first child. Now, look at her now." She rambled.

Cameron retorted, "How are you going to get experience if you stay at home all day?"

Karla opens her mouth to answer, but nothing comes out. She closes it and opens it again to let out a sigh. Her face starts getting red before she bursts, "I DON'T KNOW! I'VE HAD THE WORST CASE OF WRITER'S BLOCK AND I CAN'T SEEM TO FIGURE OUT MY STORY."

We sit there with only Karla's ragged breaths filling the silence. I then yawn and say, "I'm sorry you feel that way, I'm sure you'll figure something out soon. Although, I hate to ask I'm really tired and I want to sleep." Karla merely nods and points upstairs.

"First door you see."

I get my suitcase and bag and drag them to the elevator. The light turns on inside and I slowly move to the second floor. I probably could've used the stairs, but ain't nobody got time for that. When the door dings to signal my arrival ten feet higher than I was previously, I walk towards the wood door in front of me. Before I walk in, I look to my right and see a room that's open. I assume it's Karla's room and although I had the strong urge to look inside, I withhold it, instead opening the door into the room I'm staying for the night.

I'm greeted by a bright shade of black. (A/N: Like my soul hahaha) Literally everywhere I look, it's black. Oh, wait I forgot to turn on the lights, god I'm so stupid. I feel around for a light switch, until I press something and the light turns on. The room is actually white, but with lots of colorful furniture. Her room is huge, big enough to fit my room and my living room at home. In the corner, is a small purple tv with beanbags facing it. On the other side of the room, there is a desk with a laptop, a lamp, and some frames on it. Then on the very right of me, a very blue queen size bed is set on the side of the wall. In the open space, in between is a yoga mat, some weights, and a big red ball. I set down my stuff at the end of the bed, and quickly face plant myself onto the mattress. I forgot that I was supposed to turn off the light, but I'm too tired to care.

A/N: This was pretty much just a filler chapter, it was honestly just to kind of set the background stories before we can start on the present. If I didn't explain all of that stuff, it might've been a little confusing, so yeah. Who ships Kameron because I do. Or maybe, there's a better ship name for them, but that's it for now. Shawn seems like a third wheel right now, and that's going to be how he is for a while. OR WILL HE? I'm sorry I'll leave now.

Follow me on Instagram: @noitskristine

With a lesbian red-head and expensive things,
Kristine ♥︎
P.S I was too lazy to edit this, so if there are mistakes I'm sorry.

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