A garden for memory

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Hey there! So, i do apologize for going ghost, but everyone knows how school is! Anyway, I've just finished this, so I wanted to put it up rigth away! Enjoy!!!!

Amy's P.O.V

"He really loves her." I said dazed.

Matt wrapped his arms around me, tightly. "Are you alright?" He said


I swallowed down the lump in my throat. "It's just hard to accept." I

answered honestly.

He rubbed my arm. "I know." He kissed my cheek. "But if it weren't for

that, we wouldn't be here together."

I looked up at him and smiled. "So, does this mean you're mines?" I

asked blushing.

"Hmm." He hummed. "Define what being your property entitles." He raised

an eyebrow. His yellow eyes studied me with lust and care. I wrapped

one arm around his neck and brought him down as I leaned forward to

kiss him. Carefully his lips smoothed against mine. He brought me up to

his chest. ”Wait.” His minty breath brushed against my face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him, panting.

“I don’t want to rush into anything with you, Amy. I don’t want to be like every other guy you’ve been with.” He explained. I sighed and looked around my bedroom.

“You’re right.” I said so softly I barely heard it myself. “But you aren’t. The fact that you’re spending time with me proves that.” I smiled.

He wrapped his fingers through mine. “And I want to continue to spend time with you…with your clothes on.” He joked. I scowled at him, but giggled.

“Okay. How about we put a movie on.” I said raising from the bed. I wondered how things were going with Abby and Pacen, now that Abby woke up.   

Abby's P.O.V

"So do you think you're ready to go back to school?" Pacen asked me as

he handed me the last of my text books.

I felt the weight of Pacen's rock necklace around my neck. "Not

really." I frowned. "I won't remember anything. Or anyone."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "I know, but you'll have me and

I'll guide you with whatever." He smiled. "I'll keep you safe." He

said, but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than


I groaned. "Why can't I just lay down in bed?" I said settling down on

my quilt.

Pacen cocked an eyebrow. “Hmm, that sounds like a good idea.” He said huskily as he settled on the bed with me. He gently pushed me down and hovered over me. I placed my hands on his shoulders. We stared into each other’s eyes.

“God, you’re so beautiful.” I said hypnotized my his blue eyes. His black hair fell a bit, covering his forehead.

He smiled. “Give yourself some credit too. You’re the most extravagant girl I’ve ever seen.” He leaned down and kissed me. A soft, gentle his that made me tear up. He studied me with a complaisant frown. His arms were at either side of my head. He shifted to the left, spilling my body in that direction. “I’m sorry. Did I do something wrong?” He asked nervously.

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