Cave Boy

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It's been 2 months. I've fallen for the boy who took a bite of my apple and entered my home unexpectedly. The one who some how landed me in Neverland. The boy with no worries, the boy with only dreams.

I've gotten training in defence and hunting. Oh yeah, we also have more lost boys.. And girls. I understand why Peter said what he had said, and I'm glad he said it. He has a mission, and he is gonna live up to it.

Us on the other hand. We have our share of kisses, hugs, cuddles, jokes- anything really, it is great. Now on the other hand, some lost girls did seem jealous, or just really into Peter, I mean who wouldn't, he saved them, he was cute, charming, and fascinating. But he didn't see any of the other girls like that not that I know of. He's been staying true and faithful.


I wake up on the ground alone, Peter no where; only a few lost boys and girls remain sleeping. I get up and grab my belongings off the floor, then turn and bump into Felix.

"Good morning Adriana," he says down to me.

"It is a morning Felix," I say as I fix my hair.

"Sounding a bit harsh this morning.." He puts a hand over his chest as if it hurt him.

"Oh shut up!" I push him slightly, "you know I'm not much of a morning person."

He chuckles, "I know- Timothy learned fast."

"Hey! I didn't mean to flip him... He startled me," I say seriously before I break into laughter.

"Morning Ana, Good morning Felix," a brunette girl who looks a year or two older than I says to us.

"Morning," we reply in unison as we walk away.

"Felix, I think she likes you.." I whisper then laugh.

"Me? What?" Felix's raspy voice replies nervously, he looks back then forward again.

"Yeah, I've seen her around, she's been around for like what a week?"

"Um I think a week and a half."

"Well I have seen her around and I can say she looks at you a bit," I nudge him. "Hey have you seen Peter?"

"No, I think he may have gone out today."

"Oh. Okay, well I guess I'll just go out and do something."

"Alright, be safe."

"Later Felix, maybe talk to her!" I wink then walk away. I head towards a tree that we keep all our weapons located, I grab a spear and head to the cave that Ariel had told her story; no one ever really goes there which I like. I go in the general direction till I get passed the camp cloak and till I can't hear or see anyone and begin to fly. Lately I haven't really needed to use the pixie dust, but I'm not sure if that's the case for everyone so I keep quiet.

I head in to the cave with a swift landing and put my belongings on a rock near by on the shore and roll up my pants so the won't get wet in the water. I grab the spear and look into the water waiting for anything to jump or swim by and hopefully it wouldn't be Silia. I had been hanging much around mermaid lagoon because of Silia, I'm not saying she changed my forever view on mermaids but she didn't help what I read vs what I've seen.

I wiggle my toes in the water of the mouth of the cave staying in the sun and out of the dark of the cave. I hum lightly and wait for anything, this was more fun with Peter when he didn't go off mainly cause it wouldn't be much of fishing, it would turn into a splash fight or something. I guess when you are on your own you see things for what they truly are; for example fishing, the sit and wait game.

Just as I was standing in my thoughts I hear some rocks splash into the water from inside the cave. I sigh as I know I have to look or else I would die of curiosity. "Hello?" I call. No reply, just my own echo. Well what could I expect an answer? Probably not. I look up at the sunny sky covering my eyes. At least the sun provided a dim lighting inside the cave. I grab my spear and head out of the water, I jab the spear into the ground and start climbing into the mouth of the cave, I try hard not to fall in due to the wet rocks.

"Hello.. Who's in here? It's Adriana or Ana? Whatever you really know me as.." I call trying again. "I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to know who's here?" I move my way through the rock then eventually give up, who ever or what ever was there wasn't anymore or didn't want to be found.

I gave up on fishing for the day and walk around the forest. Not far from the cave there is a light coming from the ground. I stare confused the go to check it out. It is on a little step of ground covered by vines I leave the spear out side and enter in slowly and carefully feet first, all of the lost boys and girls sleep in camp, I don't think any of them have a secret place like this. I enter in quietly and walk around. Coconut shell candles and markings on the walls, not many though. I continue to walk around until I hear a loud thud on the ground then quickly turn and pull out my dagger.

"Woah wait!" The boy with brown hair said to me raising his arms in the air and slowly moving back. He looks about my age. He wasn't any lost boy I have seen.. I would know because of the celebratory welcomings we host for new lost boys or girls. And just then while I was in my thought the boy swiftly grabs a sword, one I have seen before; but only once. It was a sword that was left by Captain Hook when he first came here to Never Land. Peter had kept it all the time, it was a pirate sword.

The boy gets closer to me with the sword, "drop it!" He tells me. I do as he says just because he has the longer weapon, and because I could tell he isn't sure about me.


"What do you have? Food? anything?" The boy asks.

"I don't have anything.." I step towards my dagger slowly so he doesn't notice.

"I don't believe you, empty your pockets!" The boy says nervously but try's to not be.

I keep strong eye contact with the boy then quickly grab my dagger once more and point it out, if he doesn't believe me I'm not going to do what he asks.

Then the ting of the sword hits my dagger. We quickly strike our weapons against one another's hearing the weapons sound echo in the cave and try to keep our feet work swift and quick. Watching and thinking about the next persons move. Then he swings the sword about head height and I quickly duck. I stick my leg out and do a quick turn which makes him lose his balance and drop his sword. I go get it and hold it at him.

"That could've been my head!" I shout through my teeth.

"It wasn't though," he says harshly no longer sounding nervous.

"I don't have anything that could do any good to you. Now I want an answer.. What is your name?"

The boy seems to be studying me then he swallows and looks straight into my eyes, "I am Baelfire."

A/N: to those who follow me you may have got my post saying how I've lost someone in my family and everything is crazy for me, if not and you don't follow me now you know. I still love writing so through this I will still post as often as I can.

Okay! So everyone has been wanting Baelfire! And here he is! OOOOoooOo here comes some more interesting stuff. Tell me what your predictions are on him! Hope you enjoy!


Alone and Lost ~ Peter Pan/ Baelfire fanfiction OUATWhere stories live. Discover now