Good Night

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Peter's POV:

I look at her as if I don't care much for her answer but I already know it means so much. She moves strands of her hair out of her face then begins to speak.

Ana's POV:

"I.. I-" I stutter I felt like the world was on my shoulders. This place strangely felt like the place I was suppose to be at the whole time, people who understood me. But I like back at my home I may have be a street rat but I know the area, but what is there waiting for me? "I chose to stay," I whisper. "I choose to say!!" I shout loud and proud raising an arm in the air. Then Peter yells once more and hugs me!? It was a quick one, we pull away awkwardly but smile at each other.

"Boys, lost boys welcome the first official Lost girl!" Peter announces.

I feel so warm and smile, "thanks!"

"Here, welcome to you're new home Neverland," Peter said handing me the mask. I put it on and I run around jumping around the fire with the others with much excitement I don't worry about my choice, it doesn't even feel like I had to!

I run over to Peter and grab his hand and make him join us instead of watching from a corner. And for the rest of the night we danced it away and ate.

*after the party*

I lay down on a mat and look up at the stars, it was a warm night and really beautiful. Just then a stick cracks next to my ear causing me to stop looking up from the stars.
I look to the side to see Peter he sets a mat on the side were my head was and he laid down as well head near mine, I continued to look at the stars.

"You know the stars no mater where I go will be the one thing that is always there with me," I say to break silence.

"They're beautiful," he replies.

"It's one thing that stills feels like my old home."

"Do you plan on getting more lost people?"

"Lost people?" He chuckles.

"Yess!" I roll on my stomach and face him as he just tilts his he's back to look at me. "Well since I'm a girl and you have boys here already are you going to get more lost girls or boys?"

"Well I bring the people who need a home like this here, so I guess."

"Ah," I say rolling back on my back.

"So no more street rat name for you tell me how does that feel?"

"Oh you mean not getting chased for having some bread and all? Hmm I'm not sure yet," I say sarcastically.

He chuckled once more, "wit I like it."

"Ok I have a question what up with the eyebrows?" This time it was my turn to laugh.

"What do you mean?" He turns to look at me and I do the same.

"You know how you have amazing eyebrows and you-" then he raised his eyebrows in confusion, "LIKE THAT! " I pointed to his face and bursted out in laughter. "I just think you have amazing eyebrows and how you constantly move them is amazing!"

"Okay then thank you? I think?"

"Yup sure thing Pan," I yawn.

"Someone getting a bit sleepy?"

"Yeah a little," I felt my eyes get heavy.

"Well good night lost girl," he said.

"Good night Peter Pan," I said laughing one last time before really passing out.

A/N: Hey guys I know updates are slow and small but those who continue to read you amazing and I love you!! I remember I left on a cliff hanger so boom! Here is her answer even though I'm 100% sure you knew what she was going to say! Break started for me today I'm soo happy! I will try to write more! But tell me what you want to see cause I'm running out of ideas and I don't want to delete this story so I will try my hardest to come up with more ideas to keep it running!


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