Part 8: Let The Games Begin

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(Yet again it's been fricking ages since I've updated -_- I bet you guys have lost faith in me by now *sobs* I'm sorry. Right thankfully this chapter is longer than the last at least I hope it is, so happy reading and keep commenting I like opinions :D thanks guys!)

Melting into the kiss Grell closed her eyes wondering what the idiot was planning to do next, she would be lying if she said he wasn't turning her on, this new side to Undertaker lit a spark of passion in her lower abdomen. She was feeling rather eager to play this so called "game" just to see what he would do to her, still enveloped in the kiss she mumbled "hehe my Undie I must say this new side to you certainly is interesting, I'm all hot and bothered" with smirk the red reaper bit his lip as he pulled away, breaking the skin slightly but it did not phase him. Undertaker gazed at her as he licked his lips, the sight of her under him, her hands bound and under his power sent a jolt of lust through him, he wanted her "hehe I'm glad you think so kitten, so...are you ready to play?". Something about those words seemed to entrance the redhead and sent hot flashes down her body, what would he do to her? Just thinking of all those delicious possibilities made her wet "oh I'm ready to play dear..." licking her lips in a seductive manner she whispered "make me scream Undertaker", she yearned for his touch, to feel the firey passion that was in store as she kept her emerald eyes shut.
As she continued to ponder she hadn't noticed that the silver hard man had pulled out a blindfold from under the bed, slipping it over her eyes gently with a smirk, he promised to make her scream and he would, he'll go all out this time. The feeling of soft material covering her eyes had shocked the lady to say the least, was Undie into S&M!? She knew he had a thing for leather but she never suspected he was kinky! It was definitely news to her. Grell froze as she felt hot breath on her ear "i will gladly do that m'dear" with that said the insane reaper latched on to the side of her neck, nibbling and sucking tender bruises along the way, earing soft mewls of pleasure from the lady as she squirmed under his touch "ahh...oh..I do have to go to work with these you know!" He bit down roughly on the fresh bruise making her moan "hehe I know m'dear" and he did know, he wanted to show those other reapers that she was his and his alone. He trailed bruises from her neck down to her exposed chest, covering her ivory breasts with rough kisses making Grell a panting mess which he found incredibly sexy, 'let's kick it up a notch' he thought as he brought his lips down and flicked his tongue over her hard sensitive nipple, a soft gasp escaped the lips of the tied up red head, but that only encouraged him. He took the nipple between his lips, sucking and swirling his tongue around it in a teasing fashion making Grell antsy "ahh undie darling please don't tease..." speaking softly she bucked her hips nearly knocking the Undertaker off "hehe my my you are eager aren't you" he wouldn't stop teasing, he hadn't had his fun yet and it was a punishment after all hehe. This time he placed both hands on her hips, holding her down while he continued the torture on her other nipple, all the while digging his nails into hips nearly drawing blood. 'Fuck his nails are sharp' she thought as she drew in a harsh breath at the contact, the pain exciting her more, it was no secret she was masochistic and he knew this very well in fact he liked to use it against her. If only she could see his expression, she knew he'd be wearing that sadistic grin of his, enjoying the fact that she was in this submissive state, head drawn back in pleasure and a moaning mess. Yeah he was definitely enjoying this...the prick.
After nibbling a little more he curled his tongue around her nipple and released it with a pop, "hmm you seem to be liking this kitten" his tone sounding amused as a smirk tugged at his lips "Game.Start" his signature giggle filled the room around them and Grell pursed her lips, come on woman at least have some composure and sass at a time like this! thoughts gathered and she grinned at him, like hell was she being totally submissive to his devilish charm..."hehe alright dear, what is it you would like me to scream? How bad you are at dishing out punishments or just in general?"
"Teehee quite the sass on you dearie, is that why you're moaning under my touch?. Hmm alright here's one..." he leaned in closer, his thin lips ghosting over her plump ones as he whispered huskily "you can scream my name..."
Oh? So that was his game, very well she would play "okay dear I will, make me scream until I can no longer speak! If you think you can". Challenge Accepted

(Dammit it's really short again *sighs* my brain seems to be lacking creativity recently... oh well Undertaker is a kinky guy so watch out fangirls. Major apologies for the cliffhanger yet again and the incredibly slow updating, I don't know why I'm so damn slow at writing :( forgive me? Anyway let me know in the comments what you think, honestly I do read them and I appreciate them immensely. I'll start planning the next chapter right away I promise, definitely more kinky Undie to come. Thanks for the support guys xx)

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