76-100 dogshiper

12 1 2

76. 54. 32. 1

77. I am not a horse, I am a giraffe

78. Actually, ima tree

79. No wait, I'm a penguin

80. Nope nope nope, ima boss

81. Yes that sounds right

82. What would a twerking skeleton look like?

83. R doridos the only triangle shaped food? If not, write in the comments another triangle shaped food.

84. Hang on, why do books have comments?

85. The number 85 is the 70th word in this book

86. I'm hungry

87. Can I eat your elbow, hang on, I already said that

88. Snowmen ⛄️⛄️

89. The bo()k is nearly finished, better no scope some cheese burgers

90. I piss in bottles to keep out the haters

91. Get me a pwny

92. It's not my birthday but do it any way

93. Just a question, have you got a life?

94. 1v1 me m8

95. 5 more

96. Reversed 69, were is my pwny

97. This is the last 7 in the book

98. Bye snowman 9⛄️


100. Well, good job, you just wasted one mlg book on your life, here is your coffee☕️

To be continued?

Bored Billy #1: 100 smart MLG things to write in a b0()KWhere stories live. Discover now