Chapter One

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I sigh, taking a look around my room which now is bombarded with all of my shit inside.

This is going to take me forever.

I walk over to the corner of my room, pulling a heavy box off of a lighter box that contained all of my clothes, which were mainly just band tee shirts and skinny jeans.

I walk over to the closet and start hanging up my tee shirts, which made me hopelessly bored. I haven't spent this time in my room since before we moved to Newark, which I was always outside, probably hanging out with my friends.

I needed to find somebody my age before I lost my sanity.

I finished hanging all of my shirts, which led me to leave all of the unpacked boxes lingering around my severely empty room.

I marched downstairs, to find my mom talking to a moving person guy.

"Mom, I am going off to make friends," I exclaimed, not even hearing what she had to say, although I heard a faint "Be back by ten."

I trudged out the door, slamming it behind me. This was going to be adventurous.

I walk on the side of the road, wondering where the fuck I was. I must've been walking for at least fifteen minutes, so I don't know if I know my way back or anything like that. I'll figure it out.

I walked past some little brats who were playing soccer. I didn't want to cause any unwanted attention to myself, so I pulled my black hoodie over my face and kept walking further.

I finally saw a park and a lake in my viewing, so I figured that it would be a perfect place to maybe meet a crack headed hippie or something. I continued walking further, until I realized that there was only one person at the lake, and it was a guy who looked maybe my age.

I observed him. He had short brownish, blackish hair. He was wearing a black tee shirt, and he seemed to be reading a book, maybe a textbook.

He was sitting on the sand, on top of a flannel blanket, really fucking intrested in that book like he needed it memorized. He had a notebook on the side, and I think that he was taking notes. Ahh, he's a college student, or so I thought.

I had a few college friends, they always smoked some weed in their dorms, always throwing fun parties. My mom only allowed me to go to one of the parties, though. She was a buzzkill, but she now knows that if I want something, then she should give it to me. Even alcohol, which was a rarely in my book. I always get arrested when I drink outside of home, and I don't know why.

I take a closer look at the man on the flannel blanket and noticed that he had tattooed fingers and a scorpion high on his neck.

I love tattoos. They are art permanently captured on your body and anyone can easily tell you that I'm a sucker for art. I mean, my whole body would be amazing comics and some of Picasso's pieces of I weren't deathly afraid of needles.

I didn't notice that I had been staring for over two minutes and when I did get back into reality, I noticed that he was staring back.

I turned away immediately, making him slightly chuckle and shake his head.

He walked over and said, "hey, my name's Frank. Frank Iero. And who must you be?"

Well, this is really fucking weird. He just caught me staring at him and now he's being friendly.. Am I really that irresistible?

I chuckle and when I come to realize that he's still there, I reply with, "Gerard Way. I'm new here. And so is my brother Mikey."

"As you can probably tell, I've been reading a textbook. Nothing else. But we can," he said as he got a few inches closer. He then whispered the last few words in a seductive tone, "change that."

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