Out of My League

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Reid's POV

Angela and I walked out of the meeting room and into the plane together. I sat down in my normal seat and put down my belongings, with Morgan across from me. We began to play poker. JJ and Prentiss brought Angela over to sit down next to them. Before she sat down, she went to explain to characteristics of our killer to Hotch.

"So you think he's a sexual sadist?" Hotch looked at Angela.

She nodded. Rossi agreed, "It makes sense. The assault was done while they were alive, a woman couldn't have done that. He likes to feel dominant."

Hotch responded, "Alright. Both women were found dead in their homes, and it didn't look like a breaking-and-entering from either crime scenes. They must've let the unsub in the home because they trusted him."

Hotch continued. "JJ, get Garcia to do a background check on who the women gave access to their homes to."

JJ dialed Garcia and did as she was told. She put Garcia on speaker, and her bubbly voice came through the phone. "How may I assist you today, Peaches?" Her voice was flirty and fun as usual.

"I need you to do a background check on who had access to the victims' houses."

"On it," Garcia paused for a second and all we heard was her typing. Then she said, "Nothing, sorry, hon."

"Alright, tell us if you find anything." JJ sounded slightly defeated.

"You know I will. Penny G is out." Garcia hung up the phone.

Hotch sighed. "We'll discuss it more once we've seen the scenes. Morgan, I want you and Reid to check out Miss Telam's home. Prentiss and Meyers, you check Miss Jinha's. JJ, talk to the police to see what the press knows already. Rossi and I will check out locals and the victims' families." He turned around to ponder in thought with Rossi.

I turned back to my game of poker with Morgan. There was no way he could beat me. I had a 'royal flush' set, waiting for him to make his move.

Morgan said, "You better wish you didn't play me." He put down a 'straight flush' right in front of me with a victorious look.

"Ah," I said. "A 'straight flush.' It's composed of five, six, seven, eight, and nine spades. It's the second best hand to win. Just not the best." I put down my 'royal flush' hand as his mouth dropped open.

"That's not fair. You're from Vegas." Morgan shook his head in disbelief.

Soon enough, he accepted defeat, and replaced his frown with a grin. "So, what do you think of Angela?" He asked.

I thought for a second and then opened my mouth. "She's incredibly intelligent, especially for someone her age. Why do you ask?"

"Reid, she's a year younger than you." Morgan looked at me funny.

"I know. She probably has a superior intelligence for her IQ. I'd assume her IQ is at least 154. She's near genius."

"How could you possibly know that?"

"If you read the news on the Cincinnati case, then you'd know that they gave information on her background. She graduated as valedictorian from Harvard and worked with the law firm Baker and McKenzie." I responded.

Morgan looked back at Angela as she spoke with Prentiss. "Brains and beauty, huh?" He smiled.

It was almost undeniable. She was pretty. Stunning, in fact. Her long, wavy, brown hair made its way to her waist and it was lighter at the ends. She had a small face, with brown eyes and a light complexion. She seemed fit.

Angela was quite short in comparison to the team. Everyone was six feet and over, except for JJ, Garcia, and Prentiss. They were all about 5'8. Angela looked to be 5'5, maybe 5'6.

"What do you think about her?" I asked Morgan.

"She seems nice. I think she'll be good on this team. I'm just saying, pretty boy. It's 2007, and you're 25 years old. When was the last time you went on a date?"

Quietly, I said, "I've never been on one."

He sighed. "Get to know her. You'll have to anyway. She'll probably be on the team for a while. Maybe you'll end up really liking her."

"I don't know," I went on. "Work and romance don't mix."

Morgan snorted. "Romance and Reid don't mix."

He went on. "Just think about it, pretty boy."

I looked at her. Even if I did like her, how would I get her to like me back? She's out of my league.

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Thanks so much for reading! Please vote, comment, and share this with your friends. I've decided to make the story through Angela's POV. From time to time, I will do a Reid POV. Lots of love, xoxo.

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