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Chapter Playlist:
The Twist - Chubby Checker (
Lit From Underneath - Andrew Bird (

"That'll be four tickets." The ferris wheel employee looked bored as he took the tickets from George's hand. Together, George and Jade climbed into the colorfully lit cart, sitting opposite each other.

"I forgot to tell you, I'm a bit scared of heights." Jade looked to George with a worried expression. He laughed, taking off his glasses. "Here, this will dim everything a bit." Reaching over, George slipped the glasses onto Jade's face.

"Wow, I didn't know glasses could make someone more attractive." George smiled as Jade laughed at his compliment. "You're smooth aren't you?" George nodded, leaning back in his seat. "I'd like to think so." Adjusting the glasses more comfortably on her nose, Jade leaned back as well.

"So what are you all about then?" George pried. "How old are you? Do you go to university? Where are you from and all that?" He looked over at Jade, admiring how lovely she looked in his shades.

"Twenty-one. Yes I do, here in the city actually. And I'm originally from New York. Not the big city though, a smaller town. I think I prefer Chicago." Looking at George, Jade blushed when she noticed him staring at her intensely. The smile on his face was twisted into a cheeky grin. "Twenty-one. That's only two years shy of me."

"And look at you. You've got your whole life figured out already!" Jade leaned closer to George studying his blank expression. He leaned in to meet her. "Being a Beatle isn't all it's cracked up to be really. That's why I came here. I wanted to get away from the hundreds of girls chasing us, and the cameras flashing in our faces, and rushing to get into cars on the street. Sometimes I wish I was just a normal person who could walk around without the fuss." Unknowingly, their faces grew closer. George pulled away.

"Sorry. It's not your problem. Forget I said that." He played with his hands and looked out on the carnival below. Jade took the glasses off and rested them in her lap. "No. I didn't mind. I get how frustrating that is." George looked at her again. "And that's the reason you're here right? To just be normal!" She looked out at the lake with a shy smile. "And you can be normal with me. Because you are normal." Instantly, their eyes met again. George's stomach tightened looking at Jade's green pupils.

"I hope you don't take that the wrong way. You're normal in a good way not in a boring way. That's what I meant." Jade laughed at her own confusion. "No I like that. Call me normal everyday. I like being normal with you." By this time, they were nearing the top of the ferris wheel. "I like it too." Jade smiled at George and again, his stomach twisted. He smiled back at her hoping he had the same effect on her. Looking over the side, they admired the lake. It was filled with tiny floating lights illuminating the water. The boats bobbed up and down over the waves, making the lights dance quickly.

A gust of wind rocked their cart as Jade squealed quietly. "Oh my god. We're at the top. It's windiest up here." George smiled, admiring the way she ducked down in her seat. "Hey, it's ok. Put on the glasses again. Don't look over the side." Jade slipped the glasses on and bent her head down. She shivered in her seat. George reached over the cart and grabbed her hand. Instantly, Jade squeezed it hard. "Thanks." She looked up at George with a sheepish smile. Squeezing her hand back, George nodded to assure her everything would be alright.

Descending the other side of the wheel, Jade eased her grip on his hand. "I'm good now. Thanks for the hand." Sharing a smile, the inside of Jade's stomach did a full flip. She thought about how today seemed like any other day. How she had found it hard to find people who were like her in this city. She thought about if she hadn't come to the carnival tonight. George's eyes landed on her lips and once again her stomach danced. The lights from the other carts lit up his face fully. A bright blue against his hollow cheekbones. Looking down at their interlocked hands, she laughed. Hearing George laugh at her, he pulled his hand slowly away from hers. She wish he hadn't.

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