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Chapter Playlist:
Going Back Home - JBM (
Tidal Wave - Husky (

The ride to Kinfauns was lovely. George filled Jade in about what the Beatles had been up to. They had been recording a lot as well as bickering more. John brought his now girlfriend Yoko into the studio everyday which silently bothered the others. Nonetheless, they were working towards the next album. However long it took them. Jade talked about living back in New York. About how much she loved shooting everyday and living close to her family. George asked her how Emily was. The question confused her. He had met her? He told her of when they visited New York and she had introduced him to her family. He had met her family too?! What else couldn't she remember?

The car pulled up to the house she remembered from last summer. The lights on the front door cast a bright light on the wet stone path. George got out and offered a hand to Jade which she took gratefully. He tipped their driver and they walked up to the door. The wind caressed her skin and goosebumps appeared on her arms. "I forgot how chilly summer nights are here," she commented.

George unlocked the door and let her enter the bungalow first. Just as she remembered, the scent of incense and spice filled her nose. Ever since her last visit Jade had been thinking about how comfortable Kinfauns had felt last summer. She looked around and saw plants living in every corner. Some hung from the ceiling, some smaller ones on the counter as well. The large painted om symbol was still on the sitting room wall. Jade smiled. Kinfauns felt safe. It felt like a distant home.

George appeared behind her with her bag and rolled it over to the guest bedroom. "Welcome back then." He grinned at her as he passed her and began making them both tea. Jade couldn't get the stupid smile off her face. It wouldn't go but, she liked it. She watched George's back as he fixed them the tea. Being back here excited her. Something about Kinfauns and George and the plants and the smell of incense felt good. Her body was relaxed. Her heart felt happy. She saw George turn around and hand her a mug of milky brown tea. She sipped it and felt it travel down her throat, warming her.

"This is the best tea I've ever tasted!" Jade exclaimed. She saw his head shaking and a knowing look pop onto his face. "You said that the first time I made you tea! I guess you don't remember." Jade laughed and blushed. George's eyes pierced her as she laughed. "I don't remember anything. You know that." He nodded and set his cup down on the counter.

"I know you're probably tired but I want to show you something." Jade's stomach fluttered. "I'm not too tired really. I slept the whole flight."

"Even better." She put her cup down and followed him through the hallway and into his bedroom. The window was cracked open and it had begun to rain. It made her feel at ease. He seemed to always have that window open. George walked to the dresser and opened the top drawer while Jade sat down on the large bed. She situated herself indian style and waited for him to sit next to her. After a minute of shuffling around in the drawer he had a handful of things and sat down next to her.

"Alright. I know that you don't like talking about the past. That's why you began dating Paul and not me again. Am I right?" Jade exhaled loudly in disbelief. "That's exactly why. How did you know that?" George chuckled softly. "I know you, Jade. I know you don't like talking about the accident we were in. I know that having people tell you how you used to be makes you frustrated. I know. But I needed to show you this. It's why I couldn't just write you or call you. I promise it'll be the last time I'll talk about the past you. To be honest, you're mostly the same. But can I show you a few things?" Jade's eyes had begun to water. Everything George was saying was absolutely true. She hated thinking about people knowing more about her than she did. Especially when they tried to tell her how she used to be. But George was kind and gentle. He wouldn't talk down to her. He wouldn't try and make her act like she used to. He would tell it like it was and know that it's different now.

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