Daddy Pt2

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Lily's POV

He stared at me. He realized who I was too. Sarah kept talking, oblivious to what was happening. I didn't know whether I wanted to just play it normal, or leave. "Why are you guys staring?" Sarah asks. This was a special night for her, and I wasn't about to ruin it. "My aunt used to work with your dad!" I suddenly blurt out. I think he got the vibe as he quickly went along. "Oh yeah, before I worked at the sewage plant, I worked in a..bookstore!" He quickly thought. *Oh thank God.* I think. Sarah gave a confused look, then slowly nodded. "okaaay. Lets just go eat then." Sarah says excitedly. I don't get it. That woman is a stick and she eats like a hippo. We sit down at the table, and I set Delilah in the highchair beside me. Sarah sat on the other side of me, beside Douglas, her father. There was a plate of chicken, rice, vegetables, and some fruit set out. There was also a can of apple baby food. I smile and put the bib around Delilahs neck as I open the jar. "So, Lily, what are you going to do after school?" "I would like to be an actress, but mainly just plays." "You like Shakespeare?" He asks. "Oh yeah!" I say and smile. "We've started Shakespeare in class and I have never seen someone as excited as Lily." Sarah says and smile. I get a plate of chicken and rice and start eating while feeding Delilah. We share some small chat, school and work, basically. We finish our food and it was time for us to leave. We got to the door and Delilah clung to me and I smiled. "Bye daddy." Sarah says, and smiles. "Bye sweetheart, and it was nice seeing you again Lily." Douglas says and smiles. "You too." I say and give a soft smile. We walk back to Sarah's car and I realize I left my phone in the house. "Hey, I'm gunna go get my phone." I say as I get out and walk back to the house. I knock on the door and he answers. "Yes?" "I left my phone." "Come on then." I walk inside and back to the kitchen, but before I grab my phone, he grabs my arm. "How is she?" "Which one?" I ask. "Delilah." "Oh she's great. Thanks for asking." I say coldly. He still has a tight grip on my arm. "Hey. I still had my jobs to do here. I wasn't fit to be a father then." He mumbles. "Then why did you have sex with my mother?" I ask. "Do not pin this on me."He says, pushing me against the wall. I yelp, completely startled. "Then whose fault is it?" I mutter. He pushes me harder, his knee's digging into my thighs. "Not mine! Okay, I was unfit, and my wife and I were falling apart, and your mother was THERE!" He says. "I don't want details." I mumble. "Get out. I feel sorry for Sarah. She has to deal with that child. And you." He seethes. I grab my phone and walk out, quickly. "Hey, what took so long?" Sarah asks as I get into the car. "Oh, we couldn't find it." I say, flashing a fake smile. "Lily Rabe." "Yes?" "I know that fake smile." Sarah says as she starts the car and we drive home. We get back to her apartment and I look back to check on Delilah. She was fast asleep. I smile as I get her out and walk with Sarah hand in hand back into her apartment.

Sarah's POV

Lily changed Delilah out of her clothes and into her pj's and laid her on my bed. I watched as Lily pulled the covers over Delilah and kissed her head. *One day, she'll be doing that with our own child* I think. She smiles at me and I grab her hand and lead her into the kitchen, making hot chocolate. "So baby, what happened?" I asked. I watched Lily look at the floor and bite her lip. Lily had two types of lipbites. The sexy one and the worried one. This was definitely the worried one. I walk over and wrap my arms around her neck and kiss her head. "baby, you can tell me what happened." I whisper. "I-you'll break up with me." Lily cracks out. I pull back and look at her blue eyes which already were filling with tears. "Lily Rabe. I-no. I wont do that. You mean more than life to me. I would never leave you." I whisper. My heart hurts as Lily cries more, and I was unable to help. "Your d-dad I-is del-lilahs f-f-father." Lily whimpers out. I feel a mix of emotions run through me. That girl is my half sister! I don't know how to respond. Lily sighs and stands up and walks through the archway door. "Lils, where ya going?" I ask. "Away. I bet you don't want to see me again. Just, take Delilah to my Aunts." She whispers as she grabs the nob. I grab her waist and pull her in for a deep kiss. My tongue starts exploring her mouth and I smile. "Baby, I wouldn't leave you for that. I wont ever leave you, or my half sister." "Isnt that, like, illegal or something?" She asks. "Honey we're already breaking laws, whats a couple more?" I ask as I smile. She smiles back as I wipe away her tears. "Here, lets go to bed." I whisper. I undress and slip into night clothes as Lily does the same. We crawl into bed together and I hold her waist, with Delilah between us. "Goodnight. I love you." She whispers. "I love you too pumpkin." I whisper back and kiss her nose.  

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