Chapter 1: The Beginning

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A/N: Hi there! We don't own any of JK Rowling's amazing Harry Potter universe, but we do own our OCs. Please read, review, and enjoy! Thank you! :) 

"You mean, Mrs. Figg isn't watching us?" Fawn's wide, hazel eyes lit with excitement. The Dursley's had planned to go out to the zoo for Dudley's birthday. Which usually meant Harry and herself were sent to Mrs. Figg's: she had a very strange-smelling house. Harry thought it smelled like cabbage.

"She's got a broken leg, Petunia! What are we supposed to do with them?" Uncle Vernon's pink face was beginning to redden to a dark crimson. He paced the living room, kicking aside Dudley's crumpled-up wrapping paper.

"You could leave us here. . . ," Harry quietly suggested.

Uncle Vernon slowly nodded to that. He grumbled, "Well, that might--"

Aunt Petunia's eyes got wide. "They'll destroy the house!" She sat upon the couch with a puff of exasperation.

". . . It's not like we will bring the place to ashes!" Fawn fiercely whispered to Harry. He nodded in agreement.

"We won't do anything," Harry promised. "Honest!"

Aunt Petunia didn't seem to be listening to anything they were saying. "We will just have to take them with us!" Aunt Petunia snapped. "We could leave them in the car."

"Petunia, dear, not in my new car!" Vernon said. Dudley started to sob. Fawn grinned. This meant she might actually be able to go to the zoo for the first time.

"Th-they always ruin--EVERYTHING! THEY ARE RUINING MY BIRTHD-D-DAYYY!" Dudley screamed, flailing his fists. Aunt Petunia held him in a wide embrace. He gave Harry and Fawn a terrible smile behind Aunt Petunia.

"Oh, Duddykins! You poor thing! We will make everything perfect for your birthday. I promise."

Duddykins stifled a grin and made a lousy pouty face. The doorbell rang. Dudley forgot his act and a wide smile appeared on his face.

Petunia opened the door to find Dudley's friend waiting at the door. "Oh, Piers! Just in time!" Fawn's heart sank. Piers was nearly as terrible as Dudley. He always helped him beat Harry senseless. They wouldn't hit Fawn, luckily, but they made fun of her ruthlessly and pushed her down the stairs together.

"All right, it seems we are ready to go--Fawn! Get your shoes!"

Fawn retrieved her shoes from upstairs. While her brother got the cupboard under the stairs as his room, she was stuffed into the closet of one of Dudley's playrooms. She had her little mat of which she slept on, and one of Dudley's old stained blankets. Dudley couldn't stand these arrangements. He always kicked her out and locked her in the cupboard with her brother.

As she was walking towards the stairs again, she sighed at the mirror. Fawn looked pretty terrible. Her tangly auburn hair was in a messy ponytail. Aunt Petunia often tried to brush out the curls and waves, but they always coiled back to place.

She and her brother shared the same wardrobe; which was all of Dudley's old clothes. They were huge on her. She looked like a bum in the big, baggy, t-shirt that Dudley grew out of several years ago, and his old khakis that reached below her knees. The only thing she did not receive from Dudley was her pair of ratty sneakers and her undergarments---which she had gotten last Christmas. It was quite embarrassing. Sometimes she wished she owned some girly clothes; maybe a skirt? Or a t-shirt her size? But that was too much to ask of of the Dursleys.

When Piers, Dudley, and Petunia had gotten into the car, Uncle Vernon pulled them aside. "I'm warning you two . . . none of your trickery on this day, none of the sort! You will not embarrass this family out in public!" His face turned the color of an eggplant. Harry and Fawna nodded.

The Golden Five: Year 1Where stories live. Discover now