> Genderswapped <

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《Media is of the way the girls dresses look later on. The two on the right is Aleksandria(female Aleks)and the two on the left is Jamie(female James). 》


Aleksandria, a 22 year old in collage, that preferred to be called Aleks, and wasn't very open to strangers. She didn't really like the company of others unless it was her friends that she has know for years.

Aleks often visited the coffee shop a short walk away from campus. Often meaning everyday. She would spend countless hours doing school work with a coffee and her laptop infront of her.

The employees already knew her well and made sure to welcome her everyday. She sat a table in the back that had a view of the entire shop.

It was peaceful and no one usually bothered the sassy girl. She could be sweet, funny and kind at one moment but could be a vicious, mean girl at any second, especially when people annoyed her.

She had a bad attitude but was sweet at heart, her friends were the ones who saw the nice side of her the most.
Jordan, Seamus, Kevin, Stefani, Spencer and Eddie, had just left Aleks to finish her work a few minutes prior.

She had a paper due tomorrow and wanted to get most of it done today so that she could do finishing touches before class, then hang out with her friends after.

Aleks took a quiet drink form her cup and set it down. She pushed her glasses up so they weren't sliding down her face anymore and pulled her long, curled, dark brown hair to on side.

A few table away, another girl watched the brown haired girl.

Her name was Jamie. Not liking her name, she always wanted to be called Jay. She has been watching Aleks for weeks now, and has taken a liking to the girl. Jamie had her eyes on the girl since the first time Aleks stepped into the cafe.

Jamie has also noticed the girl in some of her classes but was always to nervous to say hello.

Jamie watched as Aleks friends said goodbye. She watched the small group pass her on the way out.

Jamie went back to watching videos on her laptop. About an hour later she noticed a guy she's seen around campus walk over to Aleks with a sickening smirk.

He placed his hands down on the table. Aleks looked angry but you could that she was extremely uncomfortable.

"Hey cutie. Whats a pretty girl like you doing sitting here all alone?" She glared up at the boy.

"Trying to get a fucking education unlike you. Please leave, I'm losing IQ points just by being near you." Aleks snarled at the boy.

Jamie on the other hand laughed at Aleks response.

Her laugher was cut off by him slamming his hands down, which attracted the attention of a few others.

"Hey princess. You better watch that mouth of yours." Aleks glared at the boy and clenched her fists. Jamie stood up angerly. She got in between Aleks and the boy with a hand on her hip.

"Actually, I think you better watch your mouth. Back off dude. Shes obviously not interested." Aleks smirked along with Jamie.

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