> Morning Rituals <

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I think its time for something sad, yeah? Not gonna lie, I cried while writing this. 


It was always the same. Every morning since they day the moved in with each other. It became a routine. It was somewhat of a way they become closer. When they started dating the only thing that really changed in their routine is that James and Aleks now slept in the same bed and the morning was filled with a few more romantic gestures. 

James would be the first one awake everyday. The same time everyday at seven so they would be at the office by nine. He would get out of bed, being careful to not wake the sleeping Russian next to him. 

The older of the two would then take a quick shower and  get dressed. After that, he would wake up the smaller male with a kiss and a few insults passed around because it wasn't their relationship without constant bickering. 

Once Aleks was awake he would go get dressed and take a shower, always taking longer then James because his hair always has to look perfect. James would let the dogs out for a bit and wait for Aleks to finish so that Aleks could make breakfast for them like he did every morning. 

They would sit together in comfortable silence. They didn't need to talk, because they were comfortable with just looking at each other with smiles on their faces. Eyes full of love adn compassion for one another. 

Everything changed the night of their anniversary. It was the worst day of Aleks' life. Aleks had just came from a trip to the store so Aleks could cook up something nice for the two. 

It was before he walked in on the one person he thought would never hurt him. The one he thought loved him. His best friend, having sex with an unknown female. 

Aleks screamed in terror when he opened the door, the hurt boy already had angry tears running down his face as broken sobs escaped his mouth. He slammed the door and ran to his own room, shutting the door and locking James out. 

The Russian collapsed on the floor, sobs wracking his small body. He could hear the unnamed female yelling at James in the room they once shared, asking who just opened the door. 

Aleks could barely hear her slap James before she left. As he cried he ran his hands through his hair tugging and pulling. 

He could heard James knocking on his door crying and asking him to open up and saying he was sorry. Aleks just shook his head, still crying, and crawled over to his bed where his phone laid. He quickly dialed Jordan's number knowing that Jordan and the others were still here because James and Aleks had asked to leave early that day. 

Jordan immediately asked what was wrong when he heard the small boy sobbing and the pounding on the door. 

"Aleks?" Jordan asked in concern. Aleks forced himself to stop the sobs so Jordan could understand him. 

"Come get me please. I just came home to find James cheating on me. I can't leave my room without him coming in. Jordan please. I'm begging you." Aleks whimpered out as his sobs began once again. 

Jordan was already out the door with Stefani, Spencer, Joe and Aron. They rushed to the biggest car that would fit them all including Aleks. 

Aleks waited for twenty minutes, listening to James repeatedly apologizing, until the door slammed open. He could hear them already yelling at James. 

His door was opened as Aron rushed in. He could see Spencer and Joe holding James back from punching Jordan, because James was drunk and angry and Jordan was making it worse by screaming at James. Stefani held a hand up, silencing them all.

She walked up to James with a frown. "I'm not going to scream and yell at you like I want to. You are going to listen to everything i'm about to say. We are going to take Aleks with us. You are not follow us or try and contact Aleks until he is ready to speak to you again. It's up to Jordan if your allowed to come to the office tomorrow. Im very upset with you. I can tell your drunk off your ass right now so were going to continue this conversation when your sober. Oh and one last thing-" 

She raised her hand and slapped James across the face which caused James to try and struggle out of their grip. "-Never. I mean never hurt Aleks again." She filliped her hair away from her face and helped Aleks pack his cloths. 

Spencer and Joe released James as he fell to the floor with his head down. They ushered Aleks downstairs, grabbed his dog Mishka and walked out, leaving James alone. 

Its been a month since then. Aleks has been staying with Aron. James was allowed back in the office but was never allowed near Aleks. The fans had gotten suspicious but no one was going to explain what happened. 

The anger toward James died down. Almost everyone was acting normal once again except Stefani and of course Aleks. Jordan had reluctantly agreed they were still friends just like everyone else. Continuing to hate James would only make thing worse between everyone. 

Everyday James hoped to see the sleeping Russian boy next to him. Instead he had a new routine. 

Wake up in the morning and not seeing the one boy he loved  so much. No longer being able to wake the boy with a gentle kiss and a happy smile. He would then get dressed and take a shower, always passing by Aleks' now empty room. He would stare longingly at the photos he had of Aleks as tears ran down his face. James missed the taste of Aleks' cooking every morning a felt lost without it. 

His own dog, Ein, missed Aleks just as much as James did, the small dog, sad that her master was sad, often followed James around when he cried, whimpering along with him. 

The memory of their morning routine was nothing but a depressing memory now. There was only one thing James could whisper whenever he seen Aleks. 

Im sorry. . 

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