Unknown Emotions

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I get out the shower and put clothes on then get out the bathroom. I still see Larry at the window.

Laurent: "Larry what is wrong". This time I was more worry.

Larry: " I seriously fine". *still looking out the window*

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Laurent walks up to Larry and touches his head and neck and its very hot.

Laurent: " you have a fever" he paused then took his hands off of Larry.

Larry: "No I just go take a shower and I be fine."

With that being said, Larry walked to his side of the room and got what he needed then went to take a shower. When he got in, all he could think was that he felt strong feelings for his twin. When getting out, he just thought to just keep avoiding him then he thought about earlier that day in the battle. He looked in the mirror and spoke to himself just to remind him not to pay attention to Laurent. He got out the bathroom then pulled out the couch bed.

Laurent: "What you doing?" At this point he just knew Larry was mad about something.

Larry: " I just sleep on the couch. "

Laurent: " Larry we leave hotel tomorrow. You no have time to fix the couch and pack everything. Just sleep on the bed like normal."

Larry got uncomfortable again because be had to sleep in the bed again. He fixed the couch then went into the bed. Laurent turned his lamp off and was about to go to sleep until Larry broke the silence.

Larry: "Laurent..." Larry got nervous but wanted to tell Laurent the truth.

Laurent: "Yes?" He turned over to face Larry while laying down.

Larry: "Never mind..."

Laurent: "Okay....." He knew Larry was going to say something but be figured it was something hard to say so he would give him time to gather the words.

Larry sighed and turned his lamp off and going to sleep.

~Next Morning~

Laurent woke up and saw his brother still sleeping next to him. He started having this strange feeling. He didn't know what he was feeling but the sight of his twin brother curled next to him gave him a feeling he couldn't define so he shook it off and got out of bed careful not to wake Larry. He then did everything he had to do in the bathroom then came out and packed the rest of his stuff then when time came, he decided to wake Larry so they could head home because it took 3 hours to get to the hotel and the hotel was only 30 minutes to where the activities were being held.

Laurent: " Larry... Larry" he said shaking Larry lightly the second he called him.

Larry groaned and was about to fall back asleep so Larry shook him lightly one more time.

Laurent: " Wake up, we have to leave so we can get to the house early cause I'm tired and I'm driving.

Larry groaned again and stretched then Laurent moved from in front of him then waited for Larry to get ready. When he got ready, they left the hotel making sure they had both key cards and took their bags down. When they cashed out and got to the car, it was around 7:15am. They packed the car and got in and headed back to the house. It was a silent car ride and again all Larry did was look out the window until he decided to break the silence by turning the radio on. Laurent wanted to talk to Larry but he shook off the feels and let it go. Since they didn't eat breakfast, they stopped at a fast food restaurant and Laurent paid for their food then they are in the car.

Larry: "Thank you....." He said still showing he didn't want to talk but was just being polite.

Laurent: "I'm your brother, I have no choice but to take care of you." He meant it in a nice way but Larry already half way still having mixed emotions took it seriously taking anger out on him.

Larry: "If you feel that way you no have to take care of me. I have money so I take care of myself."

Laurent: "Larry calm down. I no mean it like that. I was playing. What is wrong with you???" He then started getting serious. He knew it was something bothering Larry and he wanted to know what it was.

Larry: "I say nothing Laurent!" He started getting angry.

Laurent: " I no drive till you tell me." He waited till he heard an answer. Larry then tried to make something up so they could head back home.

Larry: "Ummm uhh very bad diarrhea....." When Larry said that in french, he waited for Laurent to turn and quickly but silently put his hand on his forehead.

Laurent: "Oh....... But what does that have to do with me? It no my fault." Laurent said a bit grossed out because he just ate.

Larry: " I no know..... I just want to go home please."
He started sounding annoyed

Laurent: "Wait. When did it start?" He asked just to test him.

Larry: " Ummm I no know. The dance battle I guess?" He sounded nervous but tried to play it off.

Laurent: "Right okay."

Laurent started the car again and they were headed back home. A couple minutes, he looks to his right and sees Larry sleep on the door and gets another weird feeling. This time it gets stronger. He knows it has to do with a very strong feel of liking someone. He knew he had a feel for his brother but didn't want to admit it especially to Larry because he didnt want to be disowned. Being caught in his own thoughts, he didn't even realize he almost ran a red light and almost hit a car...


Aww snap!!!! What's next???? What would he tell Larry?? Thats if he wakes up. Find out soon by reading the next chapter and please remember to share my story with some people too! Thanks! And stay tuned.

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