Chapter 3:Sistas4Lyfe

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I ended up getting Tati out of the stripping business.She was going to college while doing the stripping business. Tati finally got custody of her 9 year old daughter Shiyia.Our life's were finally falling in place.

Gani you got  to go out on stage Mana said.I thought Miyia was doing my set? I said.No she already drunk Mana said.Well okay I said as going out on stage.Hey wassup DC  screamed.(The crowd screamed).As must of ya'll know me as the down south chick with the fat ass booty who came from the strip life I laughed.( we love you Mahogani).Yall a special person I'm gonna pick out the crowd is gonna come up and try some crazy shit with your girl Gani who willing to do it?.(the crowd screamed).Girl with with the bob and pink shit come on up here.(Me she said as running on stage) You smoke? I asked.Yeah a lil weed.Will you have the honors as I past her the other end of the hookah stick,okay on the count of three me and her gon do a kiss smoke I laughed.(1,2,3).Nice I laughed.Now ya'll tonight I'm celebrating my win of model of the year.

After that the media went crazy blogs about me being gay.By the time of that I really didn't like the famous life it felt like I had to do everything that my momanger told me or it wouldn't be right.I had just won model of the year but everything inside me was a doubt I lied to my fans,not speaking on full stories I felt like the walls were closing in on me.

Jazmina Dagani Wood Brenda screamed.What mom? I said.What the hell is wrong with you bringing a young girl on stage to smoke loud on stage with you lastnight Brenda screamed.Mom I wasn't- Jazmina I don't wanna hear it this is he type of stuff that could ruin your career you can get in serious trouble for this that girl was 17 years old Jazmina Brenda screamed.Mom how was I suppose to know I screamed.That's what you need to learn what to do Jazmina make smarter choices,you know what just go Jazmina she screamed...That night everything was rushing through my head the thought of no one understanding the life of being the most famous multi illustrated model in the u.s that's so young.I thought no one could see the real me.I mean I know where I can from and I wanted it to be a big change but my insides were telling me it wasn't and was not going to be for me.

I took a knife out of the kitchen cabinet and started cutting myself from the wrist up.Jaz Tati screamed as running to me.Get up Jazmina come on she said as helping me into the bathtub.What wrong with me I cried.Jaz why would you do this to yourself she said as starting to run the water.I don't know tati,no one gets me I cried.I get you Jaz I do she said.No my own mother doesn't even get me i cried.Listen she might not but i do I've been here for your whole life I get you baby I'm your big sister she said as the tub filled up with blood.Tati I can't do this anymore i cried.Do what? Jaz she said.This lifestyle I cried.Listen your my baby sister and I love you so much Tati cried as hugging me.Kayla screamed as coming into the bathroom.Kayla what are you doing her Tati said in surprise as looking at her stomach.What's wrong with her Kayla cried as grabbing me.Nothing she fine she fine just go downstairs Tati said.

After the incident Tati put me to bed.We haven't seen our 17 year old sister in a year.We found out she was 7 months life was a living hell.My baby sister was pregnant and I started getting on crack.

So when were you going to tell us or call or come by or something Brenda said .I've been so busy with my job and just everything Kayla said.So busy not to even call your fucking mother and tell her you pregnant huh Brenda screamed.Who the fuck are you to be trying to say something like that mom Kayla said.What you mean who the fuck am I I'm your god damn mother Brenda screamed.Look you haven't been in my motherfucking since baby pampers and now you wanna just now come around trying to be a mother and shit well hell fucking no not with me your not I never had a mother growing up did you know how that made me fucking feel Brenda Kayla screamed.Look I did what I did and that's in the past Brenda said.I don't give a fuck it's still in my memory,how the fuck could you just walk out of our lives like that and leave all the pressure on Tati Kayla screamed.Kayla I was young and dumb and I didn't know what I was doing it was all a mistake Brenda screamed.Well I don't give a fuck you can play this little grandmommy thing who act like she cares with Jaycee,and Shiyia but not my child you won't not mine Kayla screamed.Dakayla I do care I might not have shown it back then but everyday I was on them drugs I thought about every single last one of ya'll Brenda cried.Am I suppose to care you left us for the streets and beyond you don't know what we went through as children Kayla screamed.Baby I know I didn't and I'm sorry for not being there but wasn't able to take care of ya'll Brenda said.Brenda you could have did everything else but leave us on the streets you could have took us to grandma and grandpa house or anything Kayla cried.Dakayla they lived all the way in Egypt Brenda cried.Well still Brenda we were homeless for 2 years in the freezing cold and dusting hot Kayla cried.Baby I'm sorry Brenda said.Well so isn't good enough Brenda Kayla said as walking out.What happened? Tati said.I'm so sorry Brenda said.What?Tati said.I'm sorry I couldn't be in ya'll life Brenda cried.Mom you couldn't you weren't able to Tati said.I know but your sister doesn't get that I mean I could have but i wasn't i cried Brenda cried.

So Mahogani what was the whole incident about you shaving your head complete bald?.Well I had cut my hair due to the kimo and since I was mixed it grew back faster than usual but everytime it grew my hair broke off so I shaved my head complete bald and it started growing slower and slower and that's how I wanted it.

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