Chapter 4:KeepingUpWithKayla

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Kayla had got her on show on E! called KeepingUpWithKayla it was a spinoff of the Kardashians show but it was dealing with Kayla,our family and her boyfriend Deshawn Jackson (pro nfl player).

Kayla's House

*Knock Knock, who is it Kayla screamed.Your mother Brenda said.

Confession: Brenda is my mother sometimes people say I treat her like she's my child and I'm a grown disrespectful bitch but yall don't know the story unless you live it

So I know I haven't talk to you in two months since the whole incident with us or what not and  I just came here to apologize and see if I can be a grandmother to my grandchildren? Brenda said.Brenda like I apologize to but you came at me the wrong way i mean I know you don't approve of me being pregnant because of who my babies father is but that really wasn't your place Kayla said.No it's the  fact that your 17 and he's 23 Kayla Brenda said.Brenda you always bringing that up tho like you didn't do anything worse Kayla said.What did I do? I didn't do nothing Kayla I was raped to have you I was 15 and your biological father was 35 Brenda said.I know but I got all this stuff going for myself at least you can do is be supportive because these babies really needs all they can get Brenda Kayla said.

Confession:My mom was raped to have me and I just kind of get angry because when I was baby baby my father wasn't in my life nor my mother and I never met my father and I want my babies to have everything I was missing like a mother and father figure together

Well Dakayla I really hope that you can forgive me for the whole incident I'm sorry for rubbing you the wrong way at first and I love you and them babies Brenda said.Well I love you too and I forgive you even for the times you weren't in my life and I want you to be there when your grandchildren are born in 2 weeks Kayla said as hugging Brenda.

Confession:So today  I'm one week away from meeting my bundles of joy and I invited my sisters over to help me get the babies room ready

What you been up to girly?Tati said.Nothing just working and stuff Kayla said.Tired? Tati said.Yeah umm Brenda came over the other day Kayla said.What happened? Ma'hogani said.Well I don't know if ya'll recall of the last incident we had but she came off to me as trying to got to my head about being pregnant and I got really angry and just spazzed on her Kayla said.Well Tati told me about it Ma'hogani said.Umm yeah and I really think ya'll both played parts in the argument because you didn't have to go that far Kayla Tati said.I mean like she was coming for me and like I was think well who the hell is she to be talking like that to me and she haven't been in my life for over ten years Kayla said.Well Kayla she couldn't she wasn't able Tati said.I get that but she could have if she wasn't on drugs and stuff but nobody gets I never had a father or a mother throughout my childhood and it really hurts Kayla said.Kayla I get where you come we have the same father and mother and both of us were born through rape but like i say you have to be able to forgive but never forget and that's what I kind of did Ma'hogani said.I see your pain Kayla know I had my father kinda in  life and that's how i took care of ya'll through him giving me money through jail and stuff so like I know  can't really speak not having anyone in my life but I still didn't have no one who cared for me when i was out there stripping nobody cared for me it was a win lose type of situation Tati said.And Kayla you think it's all hard on you think about how hard it was for Tati to take care of a 10 year old her baby and including you which that's like another baby and Tati was young Tati was 16 years old taking care of 3 kids by herself Kayla Ma'hogani said.

Confession:Ma'hogani) When my mom got addicted to drugs she told Tati to go take care of us just the fact so our life's would not be in jeopardy and I've told our story to many of people and they were like I would never ever forgive ya'll mother if i was you but there is a way bigger picture than that It was very hard to forgive my mother just because of the fact I was raped as well and she wasn't there for me but i had to forgive her just to move on with my life and become a better person

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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