Chapter 4

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On the bus

Trini pov;
We walk onto the bus and I immediately see a mess everywhere!! The beds messed up, clothes everywhere. Since this isn't any of my business I'll just keep my thoughts to myself😁😑.

Prince; "well imma take a shower" he said chuckling and walking over to I'm guessing what was the bathroom.

I've only been here for about what....30 seconds and I really want to clean this place so don't get me wrong I don't have OCD but this place desperately needed help. So I searched for some cleaning supplies and gloves and decided to start with their rooms. I walk through the purple door of course it's rays room.

Me; "here goes nothing" I sighed and walked into the room

20 minutes later
I cleaned the whole bus and when I say whole I mean WHOLE!! I mopped and folded all that jazz!! And guess what? No Prince in sight the boy has been in the bathroom that whole time!!! I've dried off alittle but not much so I decided to try and look for something to wear. I walk into Princetons room and grabbed a misfit shirt that went with my shorts. I looked good😉💋.

10 minutes passed
He still In the bathroom he needs to hurry up!!! I go the bathroom door which was unlocked I walked in and he was in the shower. So I flushed the toilet letting the water in the shower get extremely hot.

Prince; "AHHHH" he quickly grabs his towel and comes out the shower screaming

Me; "I.....can't.......b-b-b-breathe" I said in between laughs


Me; "Take a chill pill " I said backing away slowly but still chuckling.

Prince; "leave. Now" he said through his teeth.

I walked off the bus and guilt immediately hit me like a bag of bricks I felt really bad but I couldn't turn back now. About 5 minutes later I arrived back at work and just threw on my apron and got to work.

Prince pov;
Okay now I'm thinking maybe I over reacted. So I quickly get changed and head over to the smoothie shop and come in through the back. When I walk in everything looks like it was put back into place and then I walk out to go to the table and immediately my eyes connected with trini's she looked away then back up then away again and then went back to work. I was about to apologize for yelling at her but then I saw a whole bunch of fans waiting for me at the table. Guess that apology is gonna have to wait.

Hours later (it's dark outside)

We're all done with signing autographs and was about to leave but then I remembered the apology. So I turned around and there she was cleaning up the tables.

Me; "listen I'm sorry about yelling at you on the bus earlier " I said while running my hand through my hair she moved away and locked everything up and grabbed her stuff and walked outside she motioned me to follow her out.

Trini; "nah I deserved it's my fault, I play to much. I'm childish like that" she said showing a light smile and putting on her leather jacket

Me; "well how about I make it up to you?"

Trini; "did you not just here what I just said?? I said it was my---"

Me; " I know but still I want to take you out, how about---"

Trini; *takes his phone inserts herself as Trinithegreat and hands it back*
Pick me up at 7 this Saturday night I'll be at work so try and show up with out any problems and you should make it a group date my friend is like the girl version of Ray!!and i already know that roc and prod got girls so I won't worry bout them! See you in 3 days bye" she said quickly walking I just stared at her butt

Trini;"what I say about looking at my a**" she yelled with out turning around

Prince;" and what i say about cutting me off?" I heard her laugh she threw one hand in the air and waved to me with her back still turned.

Trini;" bye príncipe" she said trying to ignore the question

Prince;" bye princesa" I smiled and made my way back to the bus. With my mind only thinking about the one and only trini.

Feed back please I would really appreciate it ~peacemakerprince_ 💚✌🏾

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