Chapter 18

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So this is where it gets crazy. Enjoy. Peace ✌🏾


Shay Pov;

I wanted to ask trini something but I couldn't find her so I got everyone up and asked them where she was.

Prince;" no I woke up and she wasn't in my arms"

That when I heard a noise from outside.

Me;" yall heard that?" They all looked at each other and we began walking making our way to the back where the pool was.

???;" I knew you'd come around" we they stopped walking but I continued and when I got to the door I saw Trini on the floor being pinned down. Her body looked lifeless. I ran over to her and saw diggy kissing her I kicked him in his side but he then grabbed my leg I began yelling and they all ran outside to help us the boys got diggy off and we helped Trini up. Prince just stood there. I could tell he was mad.

Prince pov;

This isn't the first time diggy did this he's known for getting a little carried away when he horny and a little drunk. That's why we didn't hurt him. I was pissed though usually he could control himself when it came to our girls. I got mad and punched him right in the jaw. Causing him to "sleep", Honestly I didn't know I could hit that hard. I went to go check on the girls and see how Trini was doing. Her body looked lifeless. I then felt warm streams of water come down my face. Shay ran out the room then 2 seconds later she came back with a needle and a bottle that had a thick liquid in it and some gloves. The placed on the gloves and placed the needle in the bottle and began taking  some of the liquid out. Then she grabbed trini's lifeless looking body and began inserting the stuff in her.

Me;" what is this??" I was confused as hell!

Shay;" this is her emergency medicine. We only give it to her when she blacks out. And that's only when her asthma and anxiety levels combined." I ain't know nothing bout this well I knew that she took medicine but never knew what for though.

Me;" well when she gonna wake up" Shay inserted the rest of what was in the needle into Trini and looked at me with worries eyes.

Shay;" it depends on how long she was knocked out..if she don't wake up in an hour......" She paused

Me;" what happens?"I asked between sobs. I knew what she was gonna say I just didn't want to believe that that was an option. She gave me a look. That {you know what's gonna happen look}. I break down in tears Shay pats my back and leads me to the door. When we open it shanti, roc,Ray, prod, all fall in. They got up and lead me down stairs. They cooked breakfast for everyone. I didn't feel like eating though. I was to worried about Trini. Shay took my hand as everyone left to their room to sleep cause it was still pretty early. She lead me to the dance studio and put on a slow song. She dimmed the lights. We just sat down and relaxed.

Shay;" it's okay just 55 more minutes" she said while we swayed across the floor. I looked into her eyes. She looked into mines and leaned in. A few seconds went by then she CRASHED her lips into mine. I kissed back cause I felt vulnerable. Things started to get heated.....tongue was added in the kiss and then clothes began to be torn off and thrown in every direction.

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Don't believe in loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora