Just As Wanted

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Gracie POV

"What the Wooza are you doing here Niall"I said

"Acie let me explain just this once"Niall begged

The boys was watching us like we are a soap opera Neville was chewing his chicken staring at us not blinking

"Explain NOW"I said sternly

"Okay Olivia was a friend from Ireland"He said

I scoffed loudly

"Then she went here and she kissed me deeply and I never knew that then I got outta control and you walked in"Niall said

"I wont forget that immidiately I took seven years to forget Mikaela but we are friends back as normal friends but not in relationship GOT IT "I said

"Yeah got it um can I sleep in this house again Mum kicked me out too when I told her she didnt believe"Niall said holding my hand

"Yeah sure Shorty its good to be back"I said hugging him



Still Gracies POV

"Ahh Just what I wanted"I said to myself just frolicking at the Hot Tub and drinking coffee yeah weird much

"Hey ain't it too late to hang here"A voice said I am guessing was from Liam

"Mind your own business there aye Payne"I said in my fareal irish accent

"Nice imitation of Niall love can I join you"He said

"Yeah sure Payne"I said sippings some coffee

"Weird Much"Li said sipping on his Iced Tea

"Hey where'd you get that I have been searching for Lipton Iced Tea there"I said putting my hands on my hips

"How many times have Niall slept in that room"Liam said

"Uhm it was a guest room then when Nance,Nev and Shorty and I became friends Niall and Neville stayed in that room every weekend since junior high then on late summer after senior high he auditioned to X-Factor I was his most crazy supporter ever he called for a few months then I got into my career then I saw your concert Niall introduced me to you lads I stayed in your house for a month and became friends and your point is"I said

"Uhm Niall and Neville have a secret stash ever since they slept in that room"Liam said

"Nobody messes with my FOOD"I said sounding like a murderer

Graciewillyoubemydateatthe RosewoodReunionBall"Liam said

"I'll love to"I said

"You understand that?"He said

"Liam honey my best friends are two pranksters and a food stealer I am used to it"I said

"Well its tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep"I said taking off to bed

"Me too"He said taking off to bed

"Ciao Goodnight Liam"I said as I took of to our foyer and In to my huge pink painted room and jumped to my queen sized bed

Liams POV(Bet you didnt see that coming)

I finnally asked her yeah Liam-1Niall-1000000 not much

I came to my room discreetly but the lights gone on and Niall was there hands on his hips

"Liam James Payne where have you been"Niall said sternly

"Sorry Dad I was hanging out with Gracie by the hot tub"I said with my poker face and layed down to my bed and slept I was staring across Niall in the other bed beside me he was thinking hard


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