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Gracies POV

Tomorrow before the before the wedding party Ricca insisted a VIDEO PRESENTATION of James and Mikaela I started to be excited the the plans are going smooth too but I have too many voice rehersals and photo shoots I was getting hate too and I dont care at all

Today I had a photo shoot for the One Direction Official Magazine

"Gracie fling your arm at Zayn and Liam and goof off a face"Devin the old photographer said

I was like a little sister to them

"Okay next is Harry you will kiss his cheek!"Devin m said happily

I kissed Harry at the cheek then some romantic poses Devin finally let us go I dashed out

"FINALLLY!!!"I screamed before sitting in the driver seat"I want to g GoKart guys or some paintballing or Lasertag or some Wii "I said

The boys were shocked except for Niall and Nance Nev cant come cause he wanted 'Alone Time' at the house cause the boys never let him play at the Wii station so I let him go

"Guys I was tomboyish before so get ready for your ass kicked later"I said


"YESSSSS GIRLS RULE"I said high fiving Nancy

We just gone GoKarting at MyronsPlaza we are usuals there


"Oh ITS ON"I said agressively

We done another lap with Harry and Louis we won Again and again and again until Louis basically surrendered

"I QUIT"Louis said lying on the floor

"YEAH AWESOME!"I said highfiving Nancy"Well lets go home now I'm starving"

"No wonder you and Niall are BFF's your both Irish well you are half,you love food,you eat like a pig and loves Nandos"Harry said sighing

"Excuse me I dont eat like a pig"Me and Niall said in unison

"PERF"Nance said sitting in the dinner seat

I just roll my eyes at the annoying twin of Louis Urgh atleast my Plan Revenge is doing good

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