Depressive (Part One)

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**WARNING**This chapter contains self harm problems***

Gracie POV

I set it up for perfection this is going to humiliate her for sure I even got a new baby blue super thight formal dress I just wanted to look innocent and I curled my medium sized hair to Hermione Style

(Skipping the Lovey Dovey stuff)

"Okay were about to show you a video. of me and my fiance Mikaela"James said

Oh this is gonna be good like WOOZA

James put on my CD on the rack the video shown 'ROSEWOOD 100 BY MIKAELA ROBERTS'Mikeala gasped she knew this tape and she knows what happens in a few minutes

'Hi I am Mikaela Reese Roberts eighteenyear old senior on Rosewood you know everyone out there in the 100s or whatever this school contains pure savages and wannabes look at Niall Horan the wannabe nerd and the one and only Gracie Winters the schools fat ass just look at her she just looks like EEEWW"Then she yanks my hair then puts mud on it and she carries me and throws me in a manure pile the people was chanting "Loser Loser"Then Niall was getting beat up by her cronie clique and I was punched in the jaw we was bleeding so much"So heres for the next Generations of Loser Gracie Winters and Wannabe Niall Hor-"

Shit Shit Shit

"STOP STOP IT!!"James yelled"I cant believe you didnt tell me"He told Mikaela"And for you you just sabotaged a relationship sister"He said

I kneeled I feel guilty I feeled like I was beaten and punched a bunch of times

"I just wanted revenge!! she made my life living HELL"I scream-sobbed-cried

The people eyed me in disgust and irritation I stormed out guilty and upset I drove to the beach and to the big hill there it was sunset it was comforting I put my now curly hair in a long beautiful ponytail I just cried I am just so pathetic and worthless I just want to die

"WHY IN THE WHOLE WORLD DO I HAVE THE WORST SENARIO POSSIBLE!"I screamed at the top of my lungs scaring some birds

So I drove home depressed I was suprised no one was home freaking out I pulled out pen and paper starting to write when I am finished I grabbed a knife trace it thru my body I ingrored the ruthless pain I lost too much blood it was flowing at the floors I blacked out

Niall POV

I was shocked of the video,the sister and brother fight Gracies family and the boys gone back home I head to the kitchen I screamed

It was Gracie was lying there probably dead full of blood on the floors a blood covered note


The boys and Marie came to the kitchen they all screamed shockingly I wasn't suprised she wanted to end her life since fifteen I was the one who restrained her from doing such thing


Marie,Me and the boys were crying at the waiting room outside the Gracies room

"I wasn't suprised about this"I said

"You weren't!"They chorused

"Yes,beacause she tried to kill herself since fifteen I was the only one restraining her to do it"I said looking down

"And there is a note for each one of us"

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