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*Adam's POV*
As I fell almost on top of the poor girl, my sunglasses flung off and fell on the ground along with the item in my bag.

I was almost positive that I was going to crush the girl when I suddenly landed hard on my bottom.

*Crystal's POV*
My eyes were wide as I slammed against the guy and landed practically on his lap.

I was just about to get up and run away when the guy must have come to. At least... I wished I could have ran away!

*Adam's POV*
I was pretty sure I had blacked out for a moment, mostly from shock. I had no clue what had just happened, but I could never have been prepared for what I was about to face...

*Crystal's POV*
My heart was beating hard and rapid like a brick was slamming against my chest.

I didn't remember where I was or how I had ended up there, but now I was lost in time... time that seemed never-ending. Like just one minute contained years of everlasting seconds of breath and new life.

My mind raced as I tried to remember what I was here for and what had just happened. For the briefest second I thought I knew the answers to my questions, but just before I could say that everything was okay, something- no, someone moved from underneath me!

*Adam's POV*
What had I done?!
My thoughts were jumbled around in my head like puzzle pieces strewn across an empty room. Only when put together, would the answer be revealed and the mystery solved.

I had to think...
Think Adam, think! What did I do? There's a girl sitting on top of me... What had I done to her?

My mom had always warned me about getting too close to girls. She had never explained exactly what she meant, but I caught the drift.

But who was this girl? I was sure I would know if I had seen her before... she was stunning and I had barely even seen her face yet!

She had a sharp, slim figure. She was a little more than average height and her hair was a gorgeous strawberry blonde. It shimmered in the light of the sun and made it look as if her hair was locks of pure gold.

I wished that I could stay in this position forever- me holding her.

But then I stepped back into reality, a sad, but simple boundary. One that was so simple that it made it complex in the mind of an ignorant human.
But for the moment, I wished that I could grasp the meaning and understand the physics of these two places. One, a place that seemed so limited, and the other- a place where life was taken off the hinges and swung out of perspective.

I realized I hadn't taken a breath for about a minute or more it seemed, so I took in a deep breath and let a huge rush of hot air come rolling back out onto the back if the girl's neck.

I had to do something, but what?!

*Crystal's POV*

I could feel his warm breath on my neck and for just a moment I considered letting myself stay and get comfortable in his arms, but right away, the sirens went off in my brain, telling me no.

After all, I didn't even know who he was!

I decided that since I was sitting on top of the guy, it probably would be proper for me to get off of him first. So, I steadied myself and pushed myself up off of the ground. I found myself slightly dizzy, but there wasn't a scratch on me as far as I could tell.

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