Crash and Burn?

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***Crystal's POV***
I found it hard to keep focus as I got ready to head home. I kept thinking back to the cute guy who I had ran into earlier in the day.

I grabbed my purse and withdrew a pack of gum. It was spearmint- my favorite.

As I unwrapped the piece of gum, I thought over my day. A sweet girl at register named Emily, had been especially kind to me today. She kept on jabbering on about some guy who had signed a receipt for her- some famous singer or something I guess.

I started chewing as I waved goodbye to Emily and my other co-workers.

The sun was starting to set outside and I smiled weakly as I stepped outside to the place where i remember meeting that beautiful soul.

***Adam's POV***
The sunset was absolutely glorifying! The golden beams of light seemed to follow me as I walked out of the coffee shop and down the street to where I was parked.

My shadow lazily followed me as I trudged along, still thinking of the beautiful girl I had run into (literally) earlier that day.

I fumbled with the keys in my hand and finally unlocked my car. Although I loved driving my mustang, I would never be seen driving around my small hometown in it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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