A New Friend

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Four hundred years had passed since Ke Pa's birth and he was now starting to learn about his home, The Underworld, and how to be a worthy ruler like his Father.
Ke Pa followed like an obedient dog at his Father's side as he learned why mortals are worthless, idiotic creatures;
"When you become King, you will finally rid the world of all those repulsive mortals." Hai Chu told his son.
"Why are mortals so bad?" Ke Pa asked curiously, looking up at his Father.
"Because demons should rule this planet, not those pathetic, empty headed mortals! We are more powerful than them!" he roared, aggravated by his son's questions.

"I don't think they need to die." the young demon muttered to himself.
Hai Chu snarled in anger before swiping Ke Pa across his side with his thick, sharp claws. Tears welled up in his eyes and he wailed in pain.
"Mortals are your enemy! If you can't learn to hate them then you will have failed me!" Hai Chu growled with spite in his eyes.
He then stormed off back to his throne room, leaving his son alone to weep. Ke Pa clutched his side as blood spilled from the slashes in his flesh. Crestfallen, he flew up and out of The Underworld through the hole in the mountain, landing once he reached The Bamboo Forest. The demon walked silently through the forest in a pool of self pity, desperately wishing that his Father treated him better and stopped trying to make him become like him.

"Why is Dad always so mean? I wish I had better parents." he mumbled as a tear rolled down his scaly face.
"I don't want to be like him." Ke Pa began to sob quietly when suddenly he froze and looked up as he heard a twig snap.
A young pig emerged through the bushes, staring at Ke Pa as he wondered if he should be scared or intrigued. A low growl emitted from his throat and he bared his small fangs.
"Back away mortal!" he threatened.
He then began to think if he should kill the pig and prove to his Father that he is a powerful demon. His Father would be so proud and maybe he would respect him more.

But he couldn't bring himself to murder the innocent, round faced pig.  Instead he let out a sigh and said:
"Just go, I won't hurt you."
The pig came closer and sat down next to Ke Pa, still observing the strange looking creature beside him.
"What's your name?" the pig asked.
Ke Pa looked quizzically at him, not knowing what to think.
"Ke Pa" he replied morbidly.
"I'm Feng! Nice to meet you!" the little pig exclaimed with a naive smile.

Shocked, Ke Pa sat speechlessly next to Feng, never had anyone showed any kindness towards him. Feng continued to watch the demon, fascinated.
"Where are you from?" he asked.
"The Underworld, I am the future king." Ke Pa answered.
"Ooh! You're a king?" Feng exclaimed.
A moment of silence passed as Ke Pa sat in silence, his gaze averting from the pig.
"Do you wanna play with me?" Feng asked with wide eyes.

Ke Pa raised a brow in confusion, he had never 'played' with anyone before.
"I don't know how to play." he sighed.
"It's easy, I'll show you!" the young pig spoke eagerly.
He reached into his bag and took out a small ball.
"Come on, let's play."
The demon then stood up and followed the pig as he skipped joyfully. His miserable frown began to turn into a smile as he thought of what it would be like to play and for once in his life he felt truly happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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