North Carolina chapter 4

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I grabbed my last bag and said goodbye Hawaii. We got boarded the  plane and I put my headphones in and listen to j.cole  until I was asleep. I was awoken by my mother shaking me I took off my headphones and she told me we just landed I was so excited to see our house when we got off the plane we got in a cab and it took us to a big house I was amazed I couldn't speak . Sarah: maria do u like it I nodded. We went in mom told me to shower and go to sleep and we can go sign up for school tomorrow I nodded and did what was told.
I woke up did my hygiene and walked around the house until I found the kitchen it took me about 30 min . when I got in there mom was sitting at the table eating her breakfast and drinking her tea I sat by her and ate . when I was down eating it was 11:00 mom told me to wash the dishes i used then meet her in her mustang we made it to the school and I signed up meaning I'm a senior now but when we got there it was the fine boy their and he kept looking at me I overheard somone call him Nolen ig that's his name.. He was fine but I hope to see him tomorrow . me and Mom made it home we watched the B.E.T award and I was like august looked like the thing from the princess and the frog you now the man that was evil anyway after it was over mom made chicken Alfredo we ate in quite until she broke the silence saying she we never put a man before me again I nodded and shed a few tears then I quickly excused myself from the table I made it to my room showerd and went to bed.

The girl next doorWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt