01 » Sweetest Eyes

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"I hope you don't mind,

I hope you don't mind,

that I put down in words,

how wonderful life is now that you're in the world"

-Elton John, Your Song.

01 » Sweetest Eyes

Iris turned up the music in her headphones, ignoring the high pitched tones of her twin sisters voice as she ranted about something pointless along the lines of a new muggle boyband floating around. Honestly, she had no interest in what Lily was saying half the time so she had learned to tune her out but she was being extra annoying today, causing her to have to put on her headphones. Swaying her head, she put her wand in her boot, closing her suitcase that she had just finished packing. Today was the day to go back to Hogwarts.

"I got a letter from James!" Lily squealed happily as Iris took off her headphones. Iris looked at Lily curiously, wondering why on earth James would send her a letter. Oh wait, she thought, they're in love. Ugh, the thought disgusted her. Nevertheless, she grabbed her suitcase just as their mother called for them to come downstairs because they were leaving for the train. Bolting down the stairs. Iris went for the automobile that her parents drove, waiting for her sister and her parents.

After her parents came into the car, they were off to the train station where they would go through platform 9 & 3/4 to get to their magic school. Iris was happily tapping her feet to the beat in her headphones, closing her eyes and waiting for the ride to end.

She awoke to her sister shaking her to get up, practically shrieking in her ear. Iris groaned, getting up and unbuckling her seat belt so she could grab her bag. After doing so, she hugged her father and mother goodbye and went on her merry way since Lily had already gone off to find James probably. The thought of him made Iris' head spin, wondering how he would feel once he saw her. She hadn't seen him since last year since he didn't invite her to the Marauder summer bash  at the Potter house this year, neglecting to tell her why. And she was hurt. Very hurt.

"Okay..Ready, steady, go!" She mumbled to herself as she ran through the platform, warping to the other side and handing her trolley to the man that was pacing stuff up. She thanked him and got on the train, looking for any familiar faces. Seeing none, she went into an empty compartment and put her headphones in, dazing off once again.

Although when she wakes up this time she might not like what she sees.

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