03 » I Wish

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"Baby I've seen the chick you're with, wish that I never did.

Frickin' perfect and five foot ten

Just wanna punch her lip"

-I Wish, Cher Lloyd

03 » I Wish

Iris soon woke up and realized the train had slowed to a stop. Finally, she was here at the one and only Hogwarts. She grinned and completely forgot about Thomas who was trailing behind her as she ran to the magical castle.

On her way there she spotted a familiar flop of black hair, signalling signature "bad boy" Sirius Black actually made it to the train on time without having to go to drastic measures (long story, it involved a broom and an unfortunate visit with Minerva). She ran to him, catching him by surprise as she practically tackled him and his trunk to the ground.

She hadn't even noticed Thomas had disappeared to who knows where.

"Would you look who it is! My, Sirius Black you have grown!" Iris examined her much taller friend and she was definitely not wrong. Sirius was barely four inches taller than the ginger but now he towered at least a foot over her!

Finally her eyes wandered to her favorite werewolf companion beside Sirius.

"Remus!" Iris exclaimed, a smile beaming on her face as she practically squeezed the life out of him. Remus smiled awkwardly, patting her back.

"Still as anti-social as always I see. Damn you're tall now!" If she thought Sirius was a giant then she was "siriusly" mistaken. Remus could be a towering skyscraper! Iris gave a close eyed smile at the two, throwing her arms around their shoulders.

"So boys, what's the plan for this years legendary entrance?" Sirius only smirked at Iris before whispering in her ear and she nodded while smiling deviously the whole time. This was going to be fantastic.

As they got inside they passed their trunks to the man that took them to their rooms and walked into the corridor that was just before the Great Hall entrance. They quickly waited for everyone to get inside and sat through the sorting before they started their grand plan.

Paint was shot out of cannons, splattering the walls with confetti and glitter following after. At Remus' incantations there appeared a fiery dragon that swooped around the room leaving everyone in awe. The famous Marauders sauntered in just on que as the dragon exploded into the symbol for their group, raining down sparkles that disappeared quickly.

They sat down, pleased by the looks they were getting and the fact that the first years looked so surprised compared to the older years which were used to their shenanigans. Sure, it never ceased to amaze them but they were ready for something.

After eating their great welcoming feast everyone got settled in their dorms. Iris was with her sister (Ugh), Diana and a newcomer named Kira.

Iris ignored her twin without fail, only talking to Kira and Diana.

So far Kira seemed cool but it also seemed as if she was hiding something although Iris couldn't put her finger on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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