The Day in a Life of a Pun-Making Potato

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I don't know why I'm writing this or whatever but I like to let people who know me actually get to know me better.


I wake up (yeah no shit sherlock)

I usually wake up around like 1 or 3. Really late, I know, but there's a good reason for that!

Okay, I have bad eating habits too, so I usually don't eat right away. Instead, I get on my computer and check Twitter and turn on Skype. Sometimes my friend, Jason, is on to play some Minecraft. Otherwise, I play until my Dad comes over to my room to check on me, which is like, an hour after I wake up. Usually when I'm hungry.

I always try to eat the cereal rather than the oatmeal my parents always want me to eat. I mean, to be honest oatmeal itself isn't too bad with honey in it, but my mom cooks it by adding extra ingredients that are healthy and crap like that, which makes it really healthy but downgrades the taste of it. The color of it turns from white to a dark grey, which reaaaaaally doesn't like appetizing if you think about it.

(A lot of info I know, but whatever)

I also have violin lessons at 4:30 every Tuesday, so that sucks. Oh, and I have a reading class I take that's suppose to help my reading skills


I write books for over 150+ people

Eh, but when I really think about it, I do need some help with comprehension stuff.

I spend my day mostly on the computer playing Smite or Minecraft, watching YouTube, and doing whatever. I do a bit of homework for my reading class, then I practice violin.

My life really isn't that interesting.

I stay up until 12 AM, at least, that's how long im suppose to stay up.
My sleeping schedule is way off, but in that time in the early morning, I'm on Wattpad.

I spend a good amount of time reading new books I find, and I try to update at least one book.

And I fall asleep at like 5 or 6 AM, then the cycle restarts!

Pretty much my life.

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