im bored so why not

27 4 5

i was tagged o shit

1. If you can have any type of magic, what would it be?

uhhhhh supportive magic, to heal my allies and give them buffs

yes good job hap start by confessing how much of a nerd you are

2. Scariest fictional villain?

does a character for an anime count bc shiroe (you should watch log horizon if you like anime) is literally called the villain in glasses

3. SSB4 main?

toon link

4. Gravity Falls or Steven Universe?

never watched gravity falls, so id say steven universe

5. Do you consider Burgerpants as a relatable character?


6. Fav author?

my life?? idk, dont have one

7. Fav Youtuber?

Miniladd and Petezahutt

8. If you can be the main protagonist of a book/game of your choice, which book/game would you choose?

hmm, itd be a tie between Pokemon and Undertale

9. Harry Potter or Twilight?

never seen either of them.

10. Favorite mythical creature?

wyverns, definitely.

11. Favorite color?

any dark shade of blue.

12. Last book you read?

"One shots and Rants 2.0!"
by @/TurqDownForHutt

13. OTP?

noochzahhutt ofc

// no tags because im burgerpants atm

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