Rule 8

8 1 0

This piece of writing was inspired by a film short called "Fork Lift Driver Klaus". Each sentence has eight words, each paragraph has eight lines and the eighth line of each paragraph is a one word sentence.

I needed to make her jaw cave in. Not just her jaw, more her entire face. It was necessary for the continuation of humanity. I can't explain why, so just believe it. See, it just has to be this way. Everyone has to die one day, it's true. Her time was right now, by my hand. Bludgeoned.

It only took seven and a half hits. I was extremely practiced at this by now. Her left arm was already in the freezer. Her right foot had been thrown to dogs. They had crowded it with hunger driven insanity. I watched each one put up a fight. The kind of determined spirit she hadn't had. Weak.

It was never as fun as I remembered. Each victim had seemed less afraid to die. Or maybe I was more apathetic to fear. Either way, it was as dull as fork-lifting. There was never as much blood as desired. But that first kill had been so... sensual. I had intensely savoured every single little emotion.

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