Short Story Three: 9/11

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It had been a while now since the last impact, but I could still feel the debilitating jolt in my heart. I stood in a street surrounded by thousands of people and yet isolation consumed me. My attention could not be directed to those around me; they were undeserving of it, and so was I. We were spectators of a most horrific scene, audience to the most twisted, hideous play.

I just wished that they would stop screaming.

The sight burned into our eyes but the hurt avoided us physically. It was impossible to imagine the pure blinding agony that those inside the building were being tortured with, the thoughts that must be plaguing their minds and slowly tearing apart their carefully layered strings of sanity.

Step back! Stay safe! Enclose your life in walls of indestructible protection!

But my husband is in there!”

My empathy started to split directions, reaching out and caressing other people; they were not at the eye of the storm but everything and everyone was sure to suffer irreparable damage.

They can’t be, they’re not-

Something was falling at a different rate to the pieces of debris that spewed from the gaping chasm. And it flailed and twisted- and suddenly it was me. I was falling. I was burning. I was the body. Standing on the pavement, it felt so solid beneath me. I willed myself to stop feeling it, but the drop was never ending. The everlasting fall, the final thrill. Even from a distance I was part of it.

The sky which had been such a gorgeous blue zircon colour an hour before was now filled with a thick, grey smoke. It trailed across the sky like a reaper, come to take away all beauty and bliss. I knew that for people further away this was all they would be able to see on the horizon- no future. Just a cloud of thick nothing.

The ground shook, as did I, and the tower disappeared before my very eyes.

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