Victim Blaming

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 If I hear one more person even vaguely suggest that a victim of some form of assault or abuse is the case of the problem, I will take over the world just so I can destroy it.

 Ever since I was a little girl it has been repeatedly made clear to me that a woman who dresses in a particular way should expect to be subjected to abuse.

 This is a lie.

 Another lie we're told is that it's in a human's nature to be overwhelmed with sexual urges that could inevitably result in the assault or abuse of another human being- simply because the attacker "lost control".

 What they don't know is that as an openly pansexual "woman", I have the power to inform everyone that these "facts" are bullshit.

 Not once have I felt the need to yell sexual slurs at anyone in the street. Not once have I found someone's aesthetic so attractive that it distracted me from carrying out a task.

 Not once have I so badly desired someone I abused them and used the phrase "I couldn't help it" to justify my actions.

 These are things we don't get told- and there are some more, too.

 It should not be a surprise to anyone by now that men can also be subjected to abuse. It should surprise you that abuse occurs at all in modern day society, but unfortunately it does. It's definitely no lie that abuse exists.

 There's a stereotype in Russia- that even Vladimir fucking Putin believes- which blurs the defined lines of homosexuality to label LBGTQ+ people as pedophiles too. It is believed by some people there- and probably elsewhere- that children could be under threat of assault from gay people because obviously a gay man or woman can't be satisfied by dating someone their own age...

 In case you couldn't tell, that last part was sarcasm. Do you hear how moronic this all sounds?

 Telling gay people to stay away from children, telling women to "dress properly" is not going to fix anything.

 If you think it will, you're part of the problem.

 If you need to be told this be an eighteen year old college student, you're part of the problem.

 Singer Dolly Parton based her aesthetic on the town prostitute and she's revered around the world- so why can't a girl wear shorts that stop above the knee?

 People say rape victims were "asking for it", but how can a six year old boy want that abuse?

 I find the mere suggestion that abuse victims are the issue infuriating, despicable and absolutely outrageous. Every human being is deserving of respect and assault is an action decided upon by the perpetrator.

 Don't make excuses.

 Don't blame the victim.

 Educate yourself and help people.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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