Chapter ten

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Rose’s pov.

Today I go out in public with Zayn and of course there will be paparazzi maybe not as many as back in the U.S. but you will never know. I really don’t want to be seen I still think I am not the number one hated teen yet. I decided to wear my hair down which went to my mid back, a blue tank, jean shorts, and to hide my face my huge sunglasses. There was a knock on my door.

“Come in” I wonder who it was.

“Breakfast is ready, and put this on when we are out it will make us less recognizable” he handed me a blue snapback that was a little too big but when I wore it I didn’t look like me it looked like some blond chick, trying to be cool.

“Thanks Zayn I’ll be right down.” I grabbed my sandals and headed downstairs. It was almost ten thirty but by the looks on everyone’s faces it makes it look a lot earlier. It was French toast, it’s not my favorite but it was still delicious. I finished second to Niall whom of course wanted more.

“Ready to go?” Zayn said a few minutes after finishing eating.

“Yeah” we said our good bye’s and left for the mall.

“What do you want to get?” he asked me halfway to the mall.

“I need some paint and more cloths”

“Where do you shop?”

“Just at the usual girly stores.” We arrived shortly after that conversation ended. The mall was like any other mall just that we had to stop occasionally for pictures.  “Let’s go in here, I like this shirt.” I pulled him into the store that was called Jack wills. I love this store! It’s got tons of cool cloths. We left with three bags of cloths.

“You wanna go grab something to eat?”

“Sure where is the best place in the mall I still have a few cloths to get.”

“I don’t really know I guess we can go to the food court.”

“Cool” I was so happy I just need to stop into a few more stores then we can go get my blue and green paint! I got a slice of pizza and a slushy. My slushy is blue raspberry. “Zayn! Is my tongue blue?”

“Shh Rose you’re gonna draw attention and yes your tongue is very blue”

“Yay! Let’s go in here” we went in to house of Fraser. “Can I have these in a size eight?”

“Sure thing” the nice department store lady said and kinda skipped away to the back.

“You got big feet”

“Shut up Zaynie, I don’t”

“Okay Rosie”

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