Chapter fifteen

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Niall's Pov.

It has been a day since Rose and Zayn started going out. In my opinion Zayn's going to end up breaking her heart and I just don't want her to cry over that. I think he at least could of waited till she started school next week because who knows she may have gone on to meet someone her age. Kate has seemed to meet someone she just won't spill but I think I can get her to.

"Niall are you okay you seem upset?" Rose questioned with worry at the end of every word.

"Yeah I'm fine just hungry" it was three hours since breakfast and thirty minutes since we left for the interview. We still haven't arrived at the interview place. "What's taking so long!?" I groaned.

"It's not that much longer Niall calm down once we get there you can fill up on sweets before the interview." Paul stated turning a sharp left. "Sorry"

A few minutes later and a couple of awkward pauses we arrived.

"FOOD" Rose and I yelled simultaneously running into the revolving doors.

"I love these things!" Shouted Kate running in circles though the door over and over again.

"Stop that this is an important interview" when did Simon get here?

"Yes father" Kate then sulked out and ran over to Harry tackling him.

"Would you all just stop and head back stage" Paul chimed in so Simon wouldn't flip out. Now I noticed Zayn and Rose showing a little too much PDA and Louis well he was pretending to be a plant. I was already on my way back stage to find where they keep their snacks. "Oh and Niall don't eat all the food."

"Lou!" Rose exclaimed when she saw our hair stylist.

"Rose! Long time no see!" It's been what two months! That's not that long I haven't seen my mum and dad in over five. Lux was in her arms playing with her hair. Harry ran over to them and took Lux out of her arms and twirled her around. I'm still hungry I have to find the food. Got to find food. Got to find food. I was searching for food is it ridicules to say I was starving.

"Do you know where the food is?" Whoa who is this?

"Uh it's over there" the beautiful brunette smiled and pointed. "You're Niall Horan wow it's a pleasure to meet you." Her voice was amazing.

"Thanks" I managed to ramble out.

"No problem." She walked away the way she walks and talks suggest he isn't full of herself but has some self-respect. I got to learn her name.

"Miss!" I called after her I guess she didn't hear me because she turned down the hall. I have to learn her name I started chairing her.

"Niall I found the food!" Rose grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the food.

"I'm not hungry" she stopped dead in her tracks and stared at me blankly. "What?" She still had a strong grip on my arm.

"You Niall Horan the one who complains that he hasn't eaten in two hours says he is not hungry" she exclaimed mocking her hands to further how shocked she was.

"Yeah so" I was but I needed an excuse to go find that girl.

"Okay if you're sure" ah let go and I darted to where she had gone. I now realize I haven't got a clue where she would have gone. I guess I will get some food now.

Screams filled the audience as we all were called up on stage. "Father my children!" And "Marry me!" also a few "I'm legal!" Were yelled to us I chuckled at the father my children one none of us were ready for children yet.

"So how's the famous boy band doing?" Asked Sandra Dixon, the interviewer. She has short blond hair about to her shoulders and wasn't wearing too much makeup she is actually one of the few interviewers to look decent.

"Good" Liam chirped

"Great" Zayn smiled and looked offstage

"Okay" I sighed

"Fantabulous!"Exclaimed Louis

"Awesome" Harry chuckled

"Those were some interesting answers" she chuckled but you could tell it was fake. "Let's start with ending or confirming rumors Zayn is it true..." She began but I zoned out I couldn't help but think about that girl. "Niall?" The interviewer snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Uh I'm sorry but can you repeat the question?"

"Sure. Is it true that you and Bonnie Wright are together?" Bonnie she is very pretty but I have never met her so that's such a weird question.


"Oh what a shame you two would look cute together." Whatever.

The rumor questions kept rolling and Zayn didn't announce his and rose's relationship yet. It would get out sooner or later. After a couple of commercial breaks the interview is over! Now I can get me some food! Once we were completely off stage I ran to the buffet. There were bagels, strawberries, pastries, oranges, all kinds of yummy stuff. I grabbed a handful of pastries and shoved a bagel in my mouth.

"Niall we are leaving!" Shouted Liam.

"I'm coming!" I mumbled back. I turned around and started to walk out munching on my bagel and trying to maintain a good grip on my pastries. I just happen to spot the girl from earlier. I put down the pastries and finished my bagel and ran over to her. As I regained my breath I began to speak.

"Hey I didn't happen to catch your name earlier" I spoke trying to act cool.

"It's Bethany" that's a pretty name.

"Bethany that's a pretty name. Can I see your phone?" She looked at me puzzling but then realized I was asking so I could input my number in my phone. She handed me her phone.

"Don't ever share this with anyone because that would be disastrous." I put my number in and handed it back.

"NIALL LETS GO!" Rose yelled stomping over to me "you're going to make me late!"

"Bye Bethany I'll talk to you later!" She waved and I did too as Rose was dragging me to the van to go back to our house. Her and Zayn are going on their first date. Yay! Note the sarcasm.


A/n: thank you Guys for reading and voting it means a lot!

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