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i was riding home from school penny board when i got a text from my mom

Mum: hey where are you me you dad and brothers are gonna go out tonight and im coming to pick you up

i hopped offand sat underneath a tree as i replied back. a few minutes later my mom pulled up and i got in the car.

"sooo how was school" she said trying to be the typical mother. i laughed, my parents didnt know i got bullied i always kept it to myself.

"since when did you become that mom" i said laughing and so did she. we drove by my house and picked up my dad and two brothers.

"where do you guys wanna eat" my dad said turning down the blasted three days grace. 

"whats the occasion"

"nothing i just got payed and we havent eaten out in a long time so thats what were doing now"

"Can we get tacos mom" one of my brothers said. my brother were  13 and 14 while i was 16.

"what about pizza?" my other brother said

"im up for pasta" pasta is something i eat a lot considering im vegetarian i love pizza and pasta very much

"okay well go to that Italian place down the road and well get tacos next time" my mom said taking the turn towards the restaraunt.

we finally made it and sat down once i was finally sitting i got a notification on my phone

MyDigitalEscape has uploaded a new youtube video "Two Boys One Shower"

i laughed at the title but then the waitress came and ruined my thoughts. we ordered and i put my headphones in watching the video  i was trying really hard not to laugh so loud i had to cover my mouth the majority of the video.

After the video our food finally came. i ate about half my pasta and decided to take the rest home.

we were getting in the car and my parents were arguing over the bill.. typical. it was a mix of play fighting and hatred. we got in the car and began drving. my dad was staring at my mom and then the last thing i remembered was seeing headlights and someone screaming "DAD LOOK OUT" and a sharp pain in my side.


i woke up to see the bright white walls of the hospital, then it hit me. i shot up and looked around. i began having a panic attack and a nurse from outside rushed into the room trying to calm me down.

"w-where i-i-is my f-amily" i stuttered

the nurse looked at me and frowned "ill be right back" she said getting up ad leaving the room. i stopped and breathed  trying to calm myself down and then the same nurse came back with a doctor beside you.

"Hello Skyllar my name is Doctor McAndrew.  Do you remember anything that happened earlier?" the Doctor said as i nodded slowly he sat down beside me

"well see in the accident your parents had a strong impact with the airbags and the truck that hit your guys car. and for your brothers they had strong impact with the windows and the head of the seats infront of them. and you had impact with the truck but nothing too much. " he said reading from his clipboard

"so where are they" i said sitting up again.

"Skyllar, im sorry to say this.... but the only person that survived in that car crash.. was you"

And there it was, the words i prayed not to hear, the on sentence that changed my life. its like my entire world came crashing down on top of me. why... the only question i could ask.. was why.

Adventures >> KyleDavidHallDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora