Shopping in Funiture Stores

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we finally got to the mall as the parking lot filled with more and more people we parker and walked in ourselves. we immediately went to the furniture store to buy the stuff for my room.

as soon as we got in we raced to the bed section and i jumped onto the largest bed i saw as the guys laughed at me.

i got up to look around "i like this one matt" i said lying down on a small twin sized bed with white and blue sheets on it. it was really comfortable

"you dont want a bigger one?" matt asked me pointing to the one i had jumped on earlier

"no im good, i like this one its cute"

"hey what about this one" kyle said pointing to a set of bunk beds shaped like firetrucks.

"oh id totally buy that" i said laughing

we left the bed area to o get paint because i wanted color. we got a pastel blue, pastel pink and purple, pastel yellow, and black.

we got a desk, some storage things and some other random essential

"to hot topic!" i said while the boys laughed at me i got into the store only to realize i was alone. i turned around and saw matt and kyle talking to a girl, she looked about 13. she pulled out her phone to take a photo when i walked up to them.

"want me to take it?" i asked smiling at her sweetly as kyle looked at me his eyes sparkled but i dont know what with happines? proud? ..... love..

"oh would you? that would be great!" she said happily. she took about five pictures with them individually and together.

"thank you so much" she said to all of us as she started to walk away. i think she started crying awh. as we walked back towards hot topic kyle put his arm around me.

"that was sweet of you" he said

i smiled up at him "well yea. i dont know im really proud of you guys it makes me happy seeing fans go up to you"

we walked into hot topic "oh oh kyle lets get matching shirts even tho like half of our wardrobe is the same anyway" i said laughing and pulling him to the tshirt section

we spent over two hours in hot topic. we got shirts jeans bracelets shoes and also we got some covers for my new bed.

"do you guys wanna watch a movie?" matt asked pointing to the huge IMAX across from us.

"im good i am getting hungry though" kyle said "wait matt come here" kyle and matt walked off in the distance so i couldnt hear them. this scared me a lot. did they not like me? did we spend too much money? does matt not want me anymore? are they sending me to an orphange? i started freaking out. i decided id text kyle and tell him i was going to the bathroom just in case. i ran to the bathroom and into the biggest stall. i sank to my knees and started crying and shaking. oh how i hate panic attacks and anxiety. my phone kept going off continuously making me want to throw it against the wall.

i decided to check it because it was getting on my nervs, as i tried to read the text messages someone was calling me
"Skyllar are you okay you've been in the bathroom for like 15 minuets!" matt said worry filled his voice.

"i uhm.... i-i... I'm on.. uhm... its that time or the month matt" i lied into the phone. "sorry ill be out in a bit" i said hanging up before he could reply. i hate lying to the people i love, but how do i even know if they love me...

i got up and checked myself in the mirror. my makeup was total shit so i decides to splash my face with water and then fix it up. once that was done i walked out and saw Kyle and matt sitting on the benches outside the bathroom. Kyle got up and walked over to me and hugged me "you okay?" he asked and i nodded my head.
"well good cause guess what" he took me over to the benches and sat down
"I'm coming with you tomorrow" he smiled up at me and a smile spread across my face.
"really!?" i nearly yelled

"yes" Kyle laughed at me

i hugged him as tight as i could and then hugged matt. we then left the mall, grabbing some chipotle on the way home. The furniture people had already come and placed the bed in my room, so i put the covers on it and let Kyle go shower in the bathroom connected to my room. i decided id tale off my makeup and change into pajamas and lay down. once i was done Kyle came out of the bathroom with wet hair and fully dressed in batman pajamas and a grey shirt. Kyle is sleeping in the same bed as me tonight since the couch still isn't clean from last night. he lied down next to me and put his arm around me "hello skye" he said. i took his hand in mine and lied my head on his "hello kye" i said "I'm sleepy" i yawned closing my eyes.

"go to sleep then, you've got a long day ahead of you" he whispered as i slowly drifted off to sleep in his arms.

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