New Lifes Ok Sometimes

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I woke up to a repetitive buzzing noise. I groaned loudly pushing Kyles arm off me grabbing my phone and turning the ringer off. I didn't bother checking the notifications. I already knew someone took a picture of me and Kyle last night whoever did it I'll just call them out later. I'm too tired right now. I lied back down and closed my eyes. I scooted closer towards Kyle and I felt him wrap his arms back around me. I smiled and scooted even closer. Our bodies touching before falling back into yet another dream state.

About 3 hours later we were both being shaken awake.

"Get up get up get up!!"

i groaned in response rolling over. But i knew i had to get up. i knew we had to leave and i knew that it was time to starts my new life. i guess it was just a little bit hard to leave the life i have...well...had. im gonna miss this town, this house, and the people in it. Ill always miss and love my family and friends. Its hard to just drop something so important to you but you have to look at the future and possibilities which is something i had to do often.

"seriously sky get up" i heard Alexandrea

i rolled back over and smiled at her.

"You know you're annoying as hell?" I smirked

"Yes. But you love me anyway" she smirked back and grabbed both my arms. Pulling me up off the comfy fort we made the night before. I whined like a five year old sticking my hand out towards my comfy blanket.

"No, no, no you have to go get changed" she said shoving a handful of clothes into my hands. I groaned loudly and walked towards the bathroom to get dressed.

After I was ready I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. "Alright it's time to go" Matt said taking the last sip of coffee. I nodded my head twice as I made my way over to Alexandrea.

"Well. Don't be a stranger, shoot me a text sometime" I smiled at her

"Forget that I'm gonna come see you in person" she smiled back wrapping her arm around my shoulder

"Ok ok I know you have an obsession with Dylan O'brien but you don't have to go throw references at my face" I laughed at her and escaped her grasp. Grabbing my already packed bags I made my way to the door Alexandrea following shortly behind.

"Hey we're gonna get married one day" she said sarcastically "your sarcasm is great" I remarked smirking as I put my bags in the car

"And I swear to god if you say 'sarcasm is my only defense' I will slap you" I raised my palm up for dramatic affect as she laughed. "I'm goin on ya Sky" she smiled. I smiled back at her and hugged her just was Matt and Kyle walked out of the house.

"Bye Alexa" I hugged her one more time before hoping in the passenger seat of the car.

Matt pulled out of the driveway whilst we waved at each other dramatically. I smiled and put my head back into my seat as I closed my eyes and smiled. I opened them once as I turned the radio on and Long Way Home by 5sos began playing. I smirked at the song and how ironic it is.

"Take the long way Matt" I laughed and pointed toward the street sign above the highway that had both San Fransisco and Los Angeles imprinted in white on the green background. He smiled and nodded.

This. This is my new life. I guess it's hard sometimes to forget everything and change but, New life's are okay sometimes and I couldn't be happier to be where I am right now.    

*fast forward 2 years*



Matthew and I have gotten close. We are more like brother and sister rather then father and daughter and that's perfectly fine. We got a dog named WILLY and I met and became great friends with all of MDE. Kyle and I did end up dating and have been for basically half a year now. Alexandrea ending up moving down to LA and taking college courses at UCLA to stay with us. I started up my own youtube channel which now has over 100,000 subscribers. I like my new life and I'd probably go back and do it all over again. I wouldn't change anything about it. This is my new life

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