7. Good Feelings ~Tobias~

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*the morning after the party**

I actually slept well for once. I can't remember the last time I had felt that happy.

After getting up and eating breakfast I decided to go take a jog around town. It was Sunday and everyone else just stays in or goes to the market. When I stepped out in my exercise attire, I looked to the sky to see storm clouds. A little rain wouldn't hurt, and it's not like I'll melt.

As I was running, it started thundering, and after the thunder it started raining. I kept going as the cool rain drops hit my skin, and kept my breathing steady like I always do.
After about a half an hour I decided to stop and take a break. I walked over to the park and took shelter under the gazebo. As I watched as other people were running, more thunder came rumbling like angels bowling a strike.

"Hey, maybe Tris got a strike." I thought and smiled.

It's easy to remember her in the best ways, but hard to push away the thoughts of the darker times. I sat at a table under the gazebo and waited until the rain lightened up and then took off back to my house. When I got home, I got in the shower.

When I was done, I got out and put on some sweats and a t-shirt, and sat and watched some old shows on a TV I had acquired over the years.

**two hours later**

I woke up all of a sudden, not realizing at first that I must've fallen asleep on the couch. I got up stretching out my stiff muscles and walked outside to throw some knives.

Ever since the announcement about the fringe planning to attack, I've started up training again. This time though, something felt different. I wasn't constantly feeling hesitant and the thoughts weren't buzzing in my mind like a swarm of bees. It's like they all stopped for some reason. I don't really know how the hell it happened or why, but I'm not complaining. This is the first day I've felt mostly sane.

After throwing one, I notice my errors and go about improving my aim, and then I throw the second one, nailing it right on the bullseye.

"Ha! I still got it!" I thought to myself.

This went on for about an hour or so and then I decided to go in, straighten up the house a bit, fix and eat dinner, then go to bed. I was finally excited to start the next day when usually I'd never want to get up.

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