17. Training: Day Three ~Tris~

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I wake up early, at around 5:00 am. Ever since the news came out that the fringe rebels were going to attack, I couldn't sleep very well. I just want us to be okay. I want the city to be okay and as much as I wish this wouldn't happen, it's inevitable. There's no reasoning with them.

I go and take a shower, letting the hot water fall on my skin, soothing my aching muscles. We've been training here in the back yard as well as with the others at Dauntless. After I finish washing and freshening up, I put on my training clothes and then grab a snack from the kitchen. When I'm done eating I go and gather our weapons and put them in the trunk. It's about 6:20 so I go get Tobias up. I swear to god he sleeps like a bear.

"Tobias....c'mon, it's the last day. Get up." I say tapping his shoulder.

After repeatedly tapping his shoulder and pushing him, it still doesn't work.
I think back to an old story I read about in a fairytale book when I was younger. It was called Sleeping Beauty.

"He's definitely sleeping beauty." I think chuckling to myself.

I lean down kissing him softly on the lips, hoping that this'll wake him up.

I wait a second, then see his eyes open slowly.

"Good morning sleeping beauty, we have to go train!" I say as cheerfully as I can.

"Ughh nooo" He mumbles.

"C'mon, they're depending on us."

"Okay..." He says sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

After he takes a shower, gets dressed, and eats, we head out the door.

It's about 7:00 when we get there and everyone's in their groups. Today the adults get combat training while the kids get shooting practice. Let's just hope no one shoots their eye out.

Tobias goes and teaches them while I lead the children into the weapons room. I show them the ropes and then sit back and watch them. I'm happy they're making progress. After about 5 long hours it's time for lunch and I send them off to go eat.

Tobias and I meet up and eat at a table in the weapons room. It's nice to have some alone time here. After lunch we go gather everyone and tell them that tomorrow is a free day. It's a day to be with their loved ones before we go fight.

When it's 7:00 pm we send everyone home and we stay after to get together all the weapons that were being shipped to Dauntless. Over where Erudite used to be, is where they were mass producing guns, amo, and even tanks.

After all the weapons are there, we stack all of them and park the tanks in the pit. There's about 10 tanks and 700 guns and knives. Each person will get a couple of them. I didn't think they made this much weaponry but I was wrong. Both of the training rooms are full and the pit is as well. The only main rooms left are the infirmary and a room with bullet proof doors that infants and their mothers will stay in. I hope they won't have to be in there long though.

When everything is done Tobias and I pack our stuff and go home. We haven't had time to sit and relax in three days so we're taking full advantage of that when we get home.

We got home around 9:00 and we ate a late dinner and then watched tv. There wasn't much on but we enjoyed just being together.

After about an hour of watching lame tv shows we got in some more comfortable clothes and went to sleep. We could finally relax, even its only for one day.

A/N: Yay training is done! I'm planning something big in the next chapter so be prepared! 🙊

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