7- He Doesn't Deserve Any of It

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Hey ! Well in the previous chapter Alois says they are off Monday, so this will be a time skip to Tuesday at school. There will also be hitting in this chapter. Ok so here it is ! Oh and there may be a few time skips. I'm sorry.

Ciel's pov

I woke up and looked at the clock on the nightstand next to me. It reads 5:50am and my alarm goes of at 6:00. I turned it off and decided to let Alois sleep for the remaining 10 minutes.

I got up and walked over to the dresser and picked out my clothes for school. I heard my phone ring so I went to check. It was a notification text from Celine.

'Hey Ciel! Is it ok if you could walk me home today? Layla is getting picked and going to California.'

I replied ok to her question. I hope she lives close though. I put my phone down where it was and looked at the clock which read 6:00.

"Wow time goes fast."

I climbed onto the bed and slightly shook Alois. He moved a little but still didn't wake up.

"Alois, you have to get up or we will be late for school. Please wake up."

The last part came out in a whinning matter. He did open his eyes, though he quickly closed them. I quietly chuckled and I let him be.

"Ciel, what time is it?"

Alois sat up and brushed his fringe away from his eyes.

"Its 6:05. Well I'm going to the bathroom to change. You can change in here."

I said as I opened the door and closed it behind me. I didn't want him getting lost so I chose to let him change in my room.

On my way, I heard noises in the kitchen and I could smell pancakes. Sebastian's cooking of course.

I opened the bathroom door and I began my morning routine. After I was finished, I made my way back to the room. When I walked in, Alois was in his normal attire. He looked up at me, his face was blemished with red tear marks and watery eyes.

"Ciel I'm all over social media."

Alois dropped his phone and began crying. I had picked up the phone and saw different pictures of Alois. Pictures of when he got beat up on the first day, pictures of him hugging me and pictures of him in the courtyard. All captioned: 'whore, nobody, worthless, wants sympathy for himself.'

I couldn't believe what I saw. I put his phone down and I sat next to him. I gently hugged him and he cried some more. He was destroyed inside. I want to protect him from harm so he won't have to feel this way.

"Come on, love. Lets go downstairs and eat. Don't think about those ugly hearted people. They aren't worth your time and breath."

That seemed to have healed him a bit because he started to laugh. He got up and followed me downstairs.

(Time skip to school)

When we got to school I could see that Alois had a scared look on his face. Nobody really cared like I thought they would. I had imagined that everyone would be looking at him, and if looks could kill, they'd all be murderers. Not really, it was just like any other day. This made Alois calm down a bit.

We walked to our lockers to put our stuff away and this girl popped up from behind us.


That girl just so happened to be Celine. Alois and I both jumped.

"Oh it's just you."

Alois said and smiled at her. She smiled and waved. She then turned to me and did the same. Celine was cute. She would sometimes wear bows or she would have her hair different. And she dressed like a K-pop star.

"Hi Celine. Do you still want me to walk with you today?" I said as I closed my locker.

"Yea. But if my mom texts me later and says I am getting picked up, I will tell you."

Her voice is so bubbly like an anime girl.

"Oh can I walk with you too?"

Alois glows with happiness which I find really funny. I like when he gets excited for tiny things like walking home with me.

"Yea of course. The three of us could walk together."

Celine looks at her Rilakkuma cased phone and tells us she has to go to the art room. We say goodbye and she runs off, leaving just me and Alois. The bell rings and we head our separate ways to class.

(Time skip to the end of school)

"Ciel! Ciel! My mom says I'm getting picked up."

Celine says and wipes her imaginary tears. I give her a quick hug and she laughs.

"Awe it's ok. But we could hang out sometime. We could invite Alois and the others!"

She smiles and hugs me.

"Oh that sounds like fun! Yes we should do that someday! Ok well I gotta go, my mom is outside. Bye!"

She waves and runs off like she did this morning. Just then Alois came by. He smiled at me. He got his stuff out of his locker, closed it and we started to walk towards the door.

"Celine can't walk with us today. She got picked up."

"Awe I wanted her to walk with us."

We continued walking when a group of boys surrounded us. Alois then began trembling. These were the guys that bullied him.

"Hey Blondie. I see you have a friend here."

He looked at me when he said friend.

"But I do believe we have unfinished business. Shorty, you should probably stay out of this one."

They pushed me away and Alois started screaming.


"Leave him alone! Leave him alone!"

I screamed and I kicked one them. He turned around, grabbed my wrist, and threw me in the middle with Alois. They started to hit us.

I kicked and punched as I tried to stay in front of Alois. One of them rammed their knee into my side and fell. I saw Alois next to me with a deep cut on his cheek, brusises and he was having trouble breathing.

I, myself was having trouble breathing and everything started to dim. The last thing I heard was someone yelling and the boys ran away. Then everything went black.


Hello ! Um Yea I was bored and this scenario played into my head so I decided to write it down.
So far, the two boys have a serious liking to eachother. In the next chapter, I feel as if I should make it happen, like the actual confession I guess. Plus their injuries are minor. Although they had trouble breathing, it's just cause the wind got knocked out if them. They are ok. Well I hope you are liking the story ! I will update soon. Arigatō ♥

-Mao Nishikino

I Know You See Me ... (CielxAlois)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant