8- This Can't Be Happening..

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Well, uh.. Hi! I just want to apologize for the very long wait and the unexpected "Quit" notice. I really was starting to forget about this story as I didn't see how to continue it. I asked you guys a while back for some ideas on how I could possibly continue the story and I saw some really good ones. I was really torn on two of the given ideas and I figured I could, perhaps, use both into one chapter. Some of you wanted to know who 'saved' the boys, why Claude is a dick, what will happen next. Well, here it is the continuation of I know You See Me. Be surprised and enjoy!


Alois's pov

I woke up in a boring white room and the sound of an obnoxious steady beeping sound. I am in a hospital room. My memory kicked in of what happened before everything went black. Ciel really tried to protect me.


Panic rushed throughout my entire body. Question after question started forming in my brain asking: 'Where is Ciel?' and 'Is he okay?!'. Just then, the doctor walked in and noticed I was awake.

"Mr. Trancy, I see you are awake now. How do you feel?"

He asked. I was too worried about Ciel to answer.

"Where's Ciel Phantomhive?"

I asked, shaking. The doctor pointed to the right indicating Ciel must next door to the right. I threw off the blanket ready to run out of the eerie white room.

"Not so fast. You need to lay down. Mr. Phantomhive is okay, he is just asleep at the moment."

The doctor said. I calmed down a bit when he said that Ciel was okay. There was a knock at the door and a brown haired Celine peeked her head in the doorway.

"Hi, Alois!"

She smiled at me and the doctor let her in before leaving her keep me company instead. Her hair up in a ponytail and cute overalls on, she took at seat next to the bed.

"Did you see Ciel? Is he okay?"

"Yes. I went to visit him, but the nurse said he was asleep and I shouldn't go in there."

"Oh.. I didn't think he would stand up for me.."

Celine looked at me and I felt like crying.

"My mom saw them beating you guys up and told them to go away while calling the ambulance."

I looked at her wide eyed. It was her mom that saved us from further harm?

"Celine.. Thank you so much. Please tell your mom I'm very thankful, more than thankful."

"It's okay, I'm happy you guys are okay."

The nurse then walked in and told me I was okay enough to go home that I only had bruises and no broken ribs. She said that i was already signed out so I got up to go change out the ugly hospital gowns. After changing, I walked out to be greeted with the one person who makes my life a living hell. With that sickening smirk on his face, Claude put his arm around me and walked me out.

The whole way home was silent and I was scared. How did he even know I was at the hospital? He refused to sign any guardian papers, so how did they contact him? With all these questions swarming around in my head, I didn't seem to notice we were already in the driveway of what I used to call home. I could already feel the tears. Trying to pretend, hoping that nothing would happen, but oh was I wrong.

"How dare you run away. You can never hide from me, I own you. You are my thing."

His voice like poison which sent shivers down my spine. He pulled out of the car and dragged me inside then to his room.


My eyes widen. If I plead for him to not make me do it, he would then rip my clothes off. I started shaking, wanting to say no, wanting to desperately run away.

"Don't make me say it again."

I slowly started taking off my clothes, afraid of being kicked and thrown. Finally, completely naked I started shaking as another rush of absolute fear washed over me. Claude pushed me on his bed. If I kick or scream he will kill me.

He began to undress himself. I cried silently knowing what he was going to do to me. He tied my hands and feet so I couldn't escape and he began touching me. I didn't want this.

"Stop your crying!'

Claude yelled as he slapped me. Without warning he entered me and I couldn't help but scream for help that was never going to come.

Every time...

Heyyyy finally an update hehe 😅😅 it's not really a happy one,,, um I decided for sure that I will not quit this story and again thank you to all who were persistent about me continuing haha
Love you guys!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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