That One Friend Who Never Listens...

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      I peek into the lair to find that Raph is relentlessly attacking the training dummy. Donnie is on the couch, typing something on his home made laptop; Mikey is in the kitchen doing god knows what; I think. I take a deep breath, and exhale. I stand up straighter, and calmly walk out into the open.
      "Well, if it isn't Fearless himself!" Raph mocked, still attacking the dummy.
      "Hello to you too." I say, sarcastically.
"Hey, Don, do you have any scratch paper?" I ask, turning my attention to Don. He didn't answer, too involved in his work.
      "Don?" I ask, and look over the back of the couch at him. He still didn't look up from his work.
      "Donnie?" I poke him.
      "Second drawer to the left." He answers, suddenly, still totally immersed in his computer.
      "Aw, you were listening." I say in a hurt tone. I walk into his lab, and flip the light switch on. I sashay myself over to the left side of the desk, and open the second drawer on the left just as he said.
      I grab a few pieces of paper, but something else also catches my eye.

      Black wrist and leg wraps.

      I purse my lips together, and ever so carefully take the rolls of cloth out, and stick them in my belt pouch. I smile, deviously, and survey the lab for anything else I might need... Just in case. You never know!
      As I leave, the light catches a piece of metal on the far side of the room. I stop, and look towards it, curios. It keeps glinting in the light as I move, as if it is beckoning to me. I slowly walk towards it, and as I get closer, it comes into shape.
      It's a stamp of sorts. It looks like a pair of wings...? Why wings, of all things? I wonder if Donnie will mind if I borrow it...
      I poke it, and make sure it's not a trap or something. Quickly, I pick it up, and look around, guiltily. No traps so far. I take a step back, and another, and another. Until, I find myself at the double doors of the lab.
      I, quickly, put it in my belt and walk out and into the hallway as if the greatest heist ever didn't just happen. I make it to the safety of my room, and set the paper on my desk; eager to start. I sit on my bed, and take out the stamp to examine it.
      It's completely made out of metal. I'm glad it's not bronze, because then I wouldn't be able to touch it. Bronze burns me...very badly.
      I spin it in my fingers, studying it, then realize, this could be my symbol-my calling card! I smile, and deposit it in the drawer with my awesome mask. I get out my notes immediately after, and sketch a few more things in.
       Then I wonder; how is Raph going to react to seeing Nightingale in person? He seems to want to fight him very badly. What is he gonna say? What if I mess up, and say something I shouldnt?! I need to calm down...Maybe I should have a nap...
      I'm dragged, abruptly,  out of my thoughts by someone slamming into my door. I get up and open it finding April on the floor, cupping her nose.
      "Door again?" I ask.
      "Hehe yeah." She giggles, standing quickly.
      I open my door wide, and let her in. She runs to my bathroom and stuffs a bunch of tissue up her nose. She walks out, and gives me this smug look.
      "What?" I ask. She smirks even wider. She is starting to freak me out with her satanic grin...
      "I know your secrettt!" She says in a sing songy voice.
      "W-what s-secret?!" I say nervously. Suddenly, Casey crashes into my room, and slams the door; locking it abruptly.
      "Leo, I'm sorry! I dunno how she got it out of me!! She used her crazy mind control powers!!!" He drops to his knees, and moves his fingers in circles around his head.
      "You. TOLD HER?!?!" I yell, mad. How could he! HE GAVE ME A MAN HUG!
      "ACK! DON'T DROP ME FROM A MILLION FEET!" He pleads, shaking his entwined fist at me.
      "Okay, okay! Just- Shhhhhh!!" I shush them, obnoxiously.
      "Can I see them?!?" April begs.
      "Mmmmmm." I whine.
      "Pleaseee?" She whines, and I sigh as I walk over, and peer out my door to see if anyone saw our weird assitree. I shut the door rather loudly, and glare at both of them.
      "If you tell anyone I will hunt you down-"
      "And drop us from a million feet!! We got it!" Casey finishes for me and I shoot him a glare.
      "Fine." I say m, finally. I unfurl my wings, and watch as April's face goes from happy to 'so excited I'm going to die'.
      "Whoahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" She giggles. She walks forward, and without me even saying so, starts petting my wing. I feel my face heat up, and Casey starts to laugh.
      "April, w-what are you d-doing?" I ask her, trying to get my wing away from her, but she has a really tight grip! She saw me blushing, and definitely heard me stuttering. So, she does something annoying, but oddly wonderful at the same time.
       She smirks at me, and slips her fingers under my feathers. Casey is on the floor laughing, and April is giggling evilly, whilst I am dying of embarrassment.
      "A-April, s-stop t-that! I-I m-mean it!" I tell her, but, of course, she doesn't listen.
      "Oh I'm sorry! What did you say? Scratch harder? Alright!" She smirks, slipping her other hand under my feathers and scraping against them.
      "A-a-April, c-come o-on h-have mercy!" I plead.
      "Get on your knees, and maybe I'll consider it!" She sneers. Am I really that desperate? I look over at Casey...Yeah, I am.
      I slowly drop to my knees.
"H-happy?" I ask. She pretends to think, flashing me a smile that could kill.
      "No." She kinda laughs. I get an idea, it's kinda weird but as good as this feels, its just really embarrassing.
      "A-April, Y-you k-know w-what y-your doing, r-right?" I ask her, looking up at those strange blue eyes.
      "No, not really." She admits, nonchalantly.
      "W-well, we b-bird P-people d-do exactly what y-you're doing t-to profess our l-love." I say, contains my snorts of laughter. She immediately jumps back.
      "EWW, WHY DID YOU LET ME DO THAT!! NASTY!!" She exclaims while hiding behind Casey, who looks like he's about to die of laughter. Or throw up...Hopefully, not the latter...
      I quickly get up, and put my wings away.
      "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" She yells at me.
      "No." I admit, and start laughing.
      "You fell for it though!!" I laugh, and fall against the bed frame, sitting on the floor holding my plastron.
      "You're so mean, Leo!!" She laughs, and throws an eraser at me. I threw it back at her, chuckling.
      "You were the one petting me!!" I laugh.
      "H-How about we agree to disagree and go eat pizza.?!" Says Casey, still uncontrollably laughing.
      "Alright...uh Leo! Y-you....ya got some feathers there!" April says, trying not to laugh. She fails, and erupts into laughter. I look around myself, and burst out laughing! There are feathers everywhere.
      "I-I'll get em later!" I chuckle, and get up, still holding my plastron from the laughter. I open my door for all of us, and we file out.
      We walk into the living room, trying to hold in laughs. We fail and start laughing, startling everyone around us.
"What's so funny?!" Asks Mikey, peaking out of the kitchen. April continues laughing and makes signs in the air that looked like a unicorn eating skittles and yelling 'Taste the Rainbow!'. Which made us drop to our knees and clutch our stomachs.
"It hurts!!" I laugh, and gasping for air.
      Finally. after what seems like an eternity. We calm down, and are now fully functional, and able to eat pizza.
      But after that we kinda couldn't stop laughing...again.
      Let's just say it had something to do with Mikey's face, some pizza and Raph's hand!!

Fallen (A Leonardo Fanfic)[MAJOR EDITING GOING ON]Where stories live. Discover now