First Part of the Plan: Accomplished

469 37 13

Donnie's P.O.V

"Hey Casey! I'm going patrolling! Wanna come bash some heads?" I called.
"Sure Don! I always love bashing heads!" He replied and pounded his fist into his palm.

I smiled and walked out of the lair with him on my tail.

As we were walking through the tunnels, we got far enough away from the lair that I could put my plan into action.

"So Casey, Have you noticed anything strange about Leo?"
"" He said.
"Are you sure? I noticed a few things." I assured him.
"Like what?" Casey asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Minor things really, white feathers, nightmares, how he seems to keep away from anything bronze." Casey froze.
"I dunno, maybe he's allergic." He said fakily.

I tapped the rope hanging off my belt.

"Hehe no, I don't think so." I smirked. I slammed Casey against the wall.
"Tell me his secret. I know you know it." I snarled.
"Never." He stated and looked me in the eyes. His eyes widened slightly.
"W-what happened to you Donnie?"
"Heartbreak. Thats what." I glowered.

"Look, I was a little sad when we found out they were together, but thats not a reason to freak people out and try to sabotage each other!" Casey said calmly.

"It is if it breaks your heart and soul." I glared.
"DONNIE YOUR CRAZY!! GET OFF ME!!" He yelled. I whipped out my Bo-Staff and pressed it against his chest.
"Shhhhh..your too loud." I purred.

He stared at me like I was crazy, which I pretty sure I am. I took one hand and pulled it behind me.
"Donnie, don't try anything.." He warned. I smiled and thwacked him over the head.
"Ith tha all ya got!" He says, dazed. I punch him again and his body goes limp. I get the rope and wrap it around him and tie it off. I get another piece and tie it around his ankle. I begin dragging him towards a secret room I found deep in the tunnels.


I tied Casey in a chair, In the secret room. I grabbed one of those horn-in-a-bottle things and held it next to his head. I pushed the button down and watched as he jumped and opened his eyes. I took my finger off the trigger and set in on the table that was so conveniently in the room.

"Donnie!" He snarled.
"That's my name, don't wear it out." I said with a nasty smirk.
"You make me sick!" He growled and spat at my feet. I slapped him across the face.

I gripped the arms of the chairs and leaned towards his ear.
"Your gonna tell me everything you know about Leo's secret or there will be hell to pay." I whisper menacingly.

"Never will I ever." He spoke so bravely, not for long though.
"Fine by me, I have time, whereas you do not." I say and walk over to the table. I pick up a knife and twirl it in my fingers. I turn towards Casey and raise an eyebrow ridge.
"Last. Chance." I snarl.
"Not telling." He said rather grumpily.

I shrugged and came foreword with the knife. I pressed it against his cheek and slowly sliced it across. He didn't wince, didn't flinch. This made me angry. I picked the knife off his face and pressed it against the other cheek and slide it viciously across. He winced at this, I smiled.

"Tell me!" I said calmly.
"No." He replied.
"Wrong answer!" I laughed and stabbed his arm. He yelped in pain, but bit his tongue.
"You will never break me Donatello!" He yelled and spit in my face. I stepped back an wiped the spittle out of my face.

"You shouldn't have done that!" I growl and take the knife and rake it down his arm. He yells out and I do his other arm before throwing the knife at the wall.

"TELL ME!!" I punch his face. Getting blood on my fist.
"No." He replies. I punch him again, making the chair fall over. I pull it back up and make sure to jolt him around.

"If you don't decide to tell me by when I come back, I will put you through hell." I snarl and turn towards the entrance.

I leave and prepare to tell my story to everyone.

Fallen (A Leonardo Fanfic)[MAJOR EDITING GOING ON]Where stories live. Discover now