Chapter 2: Christmas

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Louis: All I felt was joy. I was so happy. I never believed I would feel that happy. I got up, hugging Sarah so tight to my body, and kissing her. I didn't care who saw. I was so happy. When we pulled apart, I looked down at the ring. It was truly the second most beautiful thing in the room. "May I?" I asked. Sarah nodded, joyfull tears rolling down her cheeks. I slid the ring out of the box, sliding it onto her finger. The diamond sparkled in the dim lighting of the restraunt. Sarah bit her lip, shaking her head.

"It's so beautiful," she said.

"Thanks," I said, smiling.

"Wow," Sarah whispered, "I'm getting married."

I shrugged, "Yeah. I mean its not like I'm getting married or anything." Woah I thought I'm getting married.

"Fine," Sarah said, "We're getting married." I could barely wrap my head around it. It was just that perfect.


Sarah: I couldn't fall asleep that night. Everything was too perfect. I mean I was getting married. To Louis. To Louis Tomlinson, the international boy band hottie. And he was all mine. The next morning, I grabbed my bag and Louis and I went to the airport. We got in our seats and waited.

"Okay," Louis said, "We should figure this out now before we are forced to do it in front of my sisters."

"Do what?" I asked, yawning.

"Do we want to tell them all right away?" Louis asked.

"I don't see a point in not," I said, closing my eyes and resting my head on the seat.

"Okay because I wanted to make sure. The first time my sisters see you they're going to ask and get all, well, my sister," Louis said. "Or at least the ring," Louis said, correcting his words a second later." I assumed he was pointing at my finger, but I didn't open my eyes to see. I let sleep pull me in, my head falling onto his shoulder.


Louis: When we arrived at the airport, both of our parents were their. Her's and mine I mean.

"Louis!" my mom said. Sarah, still drowsy from the sleep she had gotten on the plane, hugged her mom. I hugged mine, then I hugged my step dad.

"Hey," I said to both of them.

"Hey," my parents said. Sarah went over and hugged them.

"Hi," she said, smiling broadly.

"Hey you," my parents said. My mom turned to me,"You didn't call me last night, mister."

"Sorry. I think you'll understand in a little while when I tell you something," I said. My mom rolled her eyes.

"Nothing is more important than calling your mother," she sais, her voice matter a fact. I just laughed, then walked with Sarah out to the cars.

When I got to my place, my sisters were on me so fast. "Louis!" they nearly screamed. I ended up a subject of a very strong and forceful group hug including four girls. I higged them each.

"Where's Sarah?" Lottie asked. She loved this as she put it "Perfect Love Story" that was e and Sarah.

"Her own house," I said, my voice saying Duh.

"She's coming for Christmas Dinner right?" Fizzy asked.

"Yeah," I said, nodding.

"Good. I want to hear what's new on the Saruis front," Lottie said, crossing her arms. I raised my eyebrows. She didn't know the half of it. I walked into the kitchen, where I found my mother putting plates on the table.

"I'll help with that," I said, grabbing glasses down from the cupboard.

"What is with you today, Louis?" my mother asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You seem very happy today," my mom said, studying me.

"What's not to be happy about?" I asked.

"Louis, I've known you for 21 years. I know when you're just in a good mood," my mother said.

"I'll explain it later," I said.


Sarah showed up a half an hour later. I could see her ring, glittering on her finger as she walked. And, growing up with four sisters, they really liked shiny things. Kind of like monkeys when you really thought about it. My sister's hugged her, talking to her about all sorts of things at the same time. She looked up at me, as if begging for help. I shrugged mouthbthe word, "Yo on yo own." Sarah made a face of mock hurt then walked upstairs. "Hey you," I said, smiling.

"Hey," she said, glaring at me. I laughed.

"Dinner is served," my mom called. We all gathered at the table. Small talk started to go around.

"So Louis," my mother said, " When are you going to tell us all the stuff you were going to tell us later?"

"Um, I guess I could say it now," I said. My mother nodded and I stood, Sarah standing with me. "Um, after a lot of thought, although it wouldn't taken that much to realize the truth that I will always want this. Sarah and I are getting married." Sarah held up her hand to show the ring.

"Oh my gosh!" the comotion started with my sisters, of course, then spreading to our moms. They hugged us and asked us about our plans. One part of telling, two to go.

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