Chapter 5: Telling Everyone Else

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Louis: Zayn's birthday was the next day. Although he had no time to sit back and truely enjoy it. To start off the day, we went into a radio show for an interveiw. Perfect way to kick things off.

The radio show was one of the biggest in the country. It's name: Dirt. It was ran by two DJs, Hannah and Lola. It was said to be the hottest celebrity talk radio out there. Today was out second time on, although the first time since X-Factor. When we got in, we found six seats, along with six microphones and headphones. "Hello and welcome to the Dirt with Hannah Kale and Lola," Hanna said into the mic as soon as we were all seated.

"So today we have with us a special guest, or well six special guests. Lola said.

"We're here with One Direction!" Hannah said.

"Hi," we all said.

"So I think we need to start off by saying today is Zayn's birthday," Lola said.

"Yep," Zayn said.

"And how old are you today, Zayn?" Hannah asked.

"I'm 20 years old today," Zayn said, smiling.

"And what do you have planned for your special day?" Lola asked. Zayn and Jess went on to discribe their plans of dinner.

"So I can see all of you guys are in very high spirits today," Hannah said, "That couldn't have anything to do with your holidays could it? What were you up to over your little break?"

"We spent it with Jess's friend and just some family time," Zayn said. Jess nodded.

"He surprised me," Jess said.

"I spent mine with my amazing girlfreind," Liam said.

"Ah yes. Hanna was just in here a few weeks ago," Lola said.

"Yep," Liam said.

"I went home to Mullinger," Niall said.

"Any news on the Miall?" Hannah said, smirking.

"No," he said.

"Would you like to elaborate?" Lola asked.

"No," he said. Now I had my phone in my hand. I was texting Sarah: Perfect chance to tell? You game?

Are you? she texted back. Harry was talking now so I had to hurry.

It doesn't matter to me. Only if your ready to be known as Louis Tomlinson's fiance I said. I wasn't about to force her into this.

Aren't I already his girlfriend? Hurry though, Harry can't go into very much detail on being back home Sarah said. I smiled, shoving my phone back into my pocket.

"How about you Louis?" Lola asked.

"I actually have some big news on that subject," I said.

"Would it be a dirt exclusive?" Hannah asked.

"Definately," I said, finding everyone else helping me. The girls just waited, I think too frightened to say anything.

"I actually purposed to my girlfriend Sarah," I said. Both the mouths of the girls dropped. The crowd outside went dead silent.

"Um, that's incredible," Hannah said, breaking the silence.

"Yep, you hear that girls. Louis Tomlinson is no longer for grabs," Lola said.

"Yep, sorry," I said, shrugging.

"So do you want to tell us more about this Sarah," Hannah said.

"Well, she's amazing. We met in the summer of '09 when we were in the same place for the summer. It wasn't supposed to stick around, since neither of us lived there. But she was moving that year after the summer, which we found out to be Doncaster. It stuck around and we dated ever since. She's studying at Kingston at the moment. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me," I said. I felt myself going down memory lane, of that summer. It was beautiful. Outside I heard the sound of a bunch of fans aww-ing at my statement. I smiled.

As we walked outside, I walked past girl after girl. As we walked, I saw girls crying. Seeing them cry was definatly not the high point of my day. But, I also wasn't about to pretend I felt bad. I had never been more happy in my life and yeah, fans would be upset, but why should I be upset to get everything I ever dreamed.


Sarah: Later that day, Louis came over to my apartment. "Hey," I said, the moment I saw his face smiling, "How'd it go."

"A few girls crying but what else did we expect?" Louis asked, kissing me. I kissed him back, as the same hyper sense from kissing him came. I felt his fingers winding through my hair, heard the sound of people walking down the hallway, smelt the scent of Louis's Armani cologne. He pulled away after a few seconds looking into my eyes. "I'm so excited to marry you, Sarah," Louis said, his eyes totally sincere. I blushed.

"I love you," I whispered in his ear.

"I love you too," he said, kissing me again. I got to spend the rest of my life with him. How could anything be more perfect.

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