Chapter 3

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It's official I been and college for one month I wouldn't say college life is the life but shit it was better than the life I had before

Since I been here I had made nothing but one friend besides Taylor and that's Jaycee

I hang out with Jay a lot it like he a cool person but many people around here look at him like he anit shit but if you ask me I'll rather date him then any other nigga I came in contact with at this school

"Come kaylee we gone be late" I heard Taylor say on the other side of my bedroom door

"Ok Tay Im coming" I said grabbing my purse before leaving out my room

"Lets go Tay" I said walking out the door me and Taylor are suppose to be on our way to meet her boyfriend and her cousin sir jackass for lunch

"Did you hear me Kay" Tay said looking at me

"Nall what did you say Taylor" I ask looking at the side of her head to let her know she got my attention now

"I said that it look like you and Mr.Jaycee getting pretty close" she said wiggling her eye brows

I laughed at her "no Tay it's not even like that with us were just friends" I told her smiling

"Then why you smiling so damn hard" she said opening the door to the Mexican places we go to ever Friday

"Man what ever" I said trying to dismiss the conversation all together

"Wassup baby" Ron said as we approach the table we always sit at which is in the back of the restaurant

"Hey love muffin" she said kissing his cheeks making him scrunch up his face

"Really" I heard Ron say before I just blocked there ass out

"What damn" I ask josh like this nigga just staring all up in a bitch face

"I was looking at your ugly ass face to ask you do it hurt" he said smirking like he just told me off or something

"Just stop fucking staring at me for I slap the shit out of you" I said turning my head to look around the place

Looking around the place my eyes landed on someone I grow to like over this pass month

"Aye Taylor I'm be right back" I said smiling not even waiting for her response

Getting up from the booth I made my way over Jaycee table where he had books and paper every where

Since he had his back turn to me I snook up behind him putting my hands over his eyes

"Guess whoo" I said and a singing voice

I felt his face go up so that let me know he smiling

"I know that you kaylee" he said pulling my hands away from his eyes

I walked around and sat in there empty set infront of him smiling and he was doing the same

"Damn Jay you must got a test or some coming up" I said looking around the table at all this shit he had layed out

"Nall just doing some early homework" he said looking back down at the book

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