chapter 5

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"Well i see y'all busy so yea" Ron said walking back out the room closing the door

"Get out" I heard Josh say

"What" I asked looking confused

"You heard me LEAVE" he told me getting mad I stood there looking at him for a second before I grabbed all my shit

He opened the door for me to leave

"And don't tell anybody about this shit"he said

"Oh trust I want" I walking pass him bumping his shoulder

Looking around the crowd dorm room looking for Ron after looking around for awhile I gave up and push myself throw all the people

Walking back to the other side of the college ground to my dorm room

Walking into my dorm room I seen Taylor sitting on the sofa talking on the phone

"No I haven't seen her" I heard Taylor say

"Who you looking for" I asked taking of my jacket and shoes

"Omg she's here" she said hanging up the phone and running to me giving me a hug

"Where were you" she asked

"Oh um I was at Jay house" I said walking to my room to take a shower

"Well you could have called" she said following me

"Why" I asked taking of my clothes

"Cause I was worried" she said

"Why" I asked again

"Cause your my fucking friend that's why" she said getting mad

"If you say so" I said walking to the bathroom

"What's that suppose to mean" she asked

"Nothing tay" I said closing the bathroom door in her face

Getting out the shower I walked into the living room seeing Ron and Taylor cuddle and while Josh and his girlfriend was cuddle up watching a movie

I went and sat on the sofa by my self and started watching the movie they was watching

"You could have told me you left" Ron said

"I was going to but I didn't find you nowhere" I told him not looking at him one time

"Oh" was all he said

Half way throw the movie Josh girlfriend had to leave

"Baby I'm sleepy" Taylor said

"Well come on" Ron said taking Taylor by the hand and taking her into her room

I looked over to Josh to see him looking at TV I rolled my eyes and grabbed the blanket off the sofa and put it on me

When the movie went off I got up of the sofa and was on the way to my room but Josh talking made me stop

"Where you going" he asked I didn't say nothing I shot him a bird and kept walking to my room

When I got to my room I took of my big shirt so that left me and my sports bra and matching boy shorts

I was half way to sleep when I heard my door open I didn't say nothing cause I thought it was Taylor cause she always come into my room at night when she can't sleep

I felt my bed go down letting me know somebody was and the bed with me i slide over to where they were and put my head on there shoulder

"I'm sorry Taylor that I got mad at you it's just your stupid ass cousin had made me mad I swear I hate his ass" I said

"Oh word you hate me" I heard Josh say

I jumped out of bed and cut the lights back on

"What are you doing" I asked

"I got sleepy" he said walking up to me

"Ok sleep on the fucking sofa" I said trying to get out of his reach

"Nall I rather not" he said pulling me back to where my back side was on his front side

"S-stop" I said trying to get lose and I anit had sex an awhile so I'm easily turned on

"Why" he asked pressing his self against me

"Cause I said so" I told him

"I don't give a fuck what you said" he said turning around and running his hands down my sides that's when I realize I didn't have real clothes

"Josh just get the fuck out" I said pushing him off of me

"Ok I'll leave if I can get a taste" he said looking at me up and down while licking his lips


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