Chapter 8: After story

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Hi everyone I know this story is completed but I just want to add the after story ^_^

Hope you like it.


August 23, 2017

7:00 am


You are walking towards school. Yuma is walking beside you and Kaiko and Gakupo too. They now know that Yuma is your brother. No secrets to keep now exxept on the one what you did on Len and on the other girls. The school is now worried about this 'misssing students'.

"Hey, (Y/N)-chan I heard there's a new ice cream shop nearby. Lets go after school!" Kaiko cheered.

"Of course!" You said happily.

"Hey us too!" Gakupo and Yuma said in chorus and looked each other angrily.

"Are you copying me?!" Gakupo yelled.

"No you're copying me!" Yuma yelled.

The two continued yelling at each other. You and Kaiko laughed. "Okay, okay." You said.

You and Kaiko go on ahead, leaving two arguing boys behind.
Minutes later, you reached the school. You walked towards to your classroom together with Kaiko. Gakupo and Yuma arrived not too long after you and Kaiko arrived. You chatted with the three until Sir Kaito came.

-Time skip-

At the same day

10:30 pm

You just finished taking a bath. You and Yuma cleaned the other bathroom and burry all the corpses execept on Len's corpse. You cleaned it and stiched his chest and hammered him on the wall.

You looked at him and kissed him on his cold lips. "My love, I love you." You said and kissed him on the last time and sleep.



Everyone I just want to say is thank you for reading this short story-book. And on chapter 4 I mistaken Kaiko as Kaito, sorry ^_^

Thank you again everyone.

Too lazy to edit sorry

-Peace ✌✌

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